The Student Room Group

how do u stop crying

So random and so unrelated to anything here bc this is for studying but i always cry when im angry and i hate that bc im angry not sad so how do i stop. It also makes it so much harder to yell at ppl but i cant help it and i just end up screaming at them with my eyes all red and tears on my cheeks and just. Yeah.
Reply 1
Original post by NotRightNow
So random and so unrelated to anything here bc this is for studying but i always cry when im angry and i hate that bc im angry not sad so how do i stop. It also makes it so much harder to yell at ppl but i cant help it and i just end up screaming at them with my eyes all red and tears on my cheeks and just. Yeah.

Uhh hmm. What do you feel usually when you cry?
Original post by NotRightNow
So random and so unrelated to anything here bc this is for studying but i always cry when im angry and i hate that bc im angry not sad so how do i stop. It also makes it so much harder to yell at ppl but i cant help it and i just end up screaming at them with my eyes all red and tears on my cheeks and just. Yeah.

hi there

I hope you are doing okay. I have experienced the same in past two years, later realised it used to happen because I was getting frustrated at myself and at the study content, it was too much. I tried a few things to make my self understand the situation better and not to cry and handle the situation as much as I could. First of all, it is alright to cry if you feel like and if it makes you feel a little better then it is fine. Do not consider yourself weak or naive because you cry. I started to write everything down no matter how i was feeling it was hard to explain sometimes but try as much you could. Talk to someone who you feel comforted with and who understands you. Take breaks or have a walk around. You can also try Pomodoro technique it really helped me with my attention span and time management or you can try ice-cream it makes me feel better. This is from my personal experience. I hope it helps.

Amanjoti | Coventry University Student Ambassador |
(edited 2 months ago)

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