The Student Room Group

Coventry University final year

I wanted to ask that, i am in final year student in semester 1 and had 3 modules this term of which i am afraid i have failed 2 of them ( had one deferred), panicking rn as have no idea whether i will be allowed to resit my exam or wont be allowed to continue my last semester next year.
Hi there,

The best thing to do to ease your nerves will be to email your head of course who will be able to answer any specific questions you have but in general from my experience you should be able to continue next semester and take any re-sits you may end up with then also.

The usual university process is to let students finish the academic year and take any outstanding re-sits before assessing if they can progress to the next year.

hope this helps
Coventry University Student Ambassador
Reply 2
Original post by Coventry University Student Ambassadors
Hi there,
The best thing to do to ease your nerves will be to email your head of course who will be able to answer any specific questions you have but in general from my experience you should be able to continue next semester and take any re-sits you may end up with then also.
The usual university process is to let students finish the academic year and take any outstanding re-sits before assessing if they can progress to the next year.
hope this helps
Coventry University Student Ambassador

Wanted to ask one more question, i was looking at the other old timetables and apparently there seems to be a clash between two exams( i.e both exams on the same day and time) im afraid one of my modules might have it,
What happens in this scenario?
Thanks for replying
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out. If there's a clash between two exams (scheduled on the same day and time), the university typically has policies in place to address this. You should be notify by the exams office or your department if needed. Be sure to check the official timetable carefully and report any clashes immediately to avoid last-minute issues. Your academic advisor or student services team can guide you through the process. Hope this helps!

Thanks & Regards,
Coventry University Student Ambassador

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