Basically, there’s this 1 guy at school which I have had a crush on for like 2 yrs bcs he’s fit but now im like does he even like me bcs there is this new girl and his ego is so big and ugh i cant she sits next 2 me in a lesson and he’s infront and he keeps almost flirting with her but idk if he is, it was also rumored he had a crush on her, ik im tryna deny the obvious bcs i litro was like imma marry him one day - help me like what do i do, i dont talk to him that much, we r friendly ig - he left me on opened on snap 1 yr ago and i havent snapped him since LOL help me (example A )
Next there is this guy in my year who was in 1 of my classes last year and now that i see him in assembly im like OKKKKK ur fit, like idk why i didnt notice sooner, and i dk if he likes me ive ltro NEVER spoken to him, we aren’t in any of the same lessons and when i added him on snap in summer he didnt add me back - so idk what to do 4 him and how to get his attention help, thanks (example B)
Next there is this guy who is fit but also not at the same time like lowkey gives me thre ik but then again he keeps staring at me and i keep staring at him but i dont even think i like himmmmm
Ok thanks lemme know what todooooo xx