The Student Room Group

Sheffield Hallam mental health nursing interview

Hallam is one of my choices to start September 2025 & I’ve got an interview online next week. I already have worked in a secure mental health unit for over 3 years so I know about the course etc but was wondering if anyone has any advice for the actual interview? I’ve already had an interview last week for a different uni & got offered a place there and then but Hallam interview is online which I’ve not done before. Any tips and any advice on the interview & studying at Hallam?
Original post by Anonymous
Hallam is one of my choices to start September 2025 & I’ve got an interview online next week. I already have worked in a secure mental health unit for over 3 years so I know about the course etc but was wondering if anyone has any advice for the actual interview? I’ve already had an interview last week for a different uni & got offered a place there and then but Hallam interview is online which I’ve not done before. Any tips and any advice on the interview & studying at Hallam?

Hello there, We would recommend to check out this website for health and social care interview help (Health and Social Care Application and Interview Support Sessions | Sheffield Hallam University) as well each application is done on a individual basis therefore other grades and experiences counts towards your application! :smile:

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