I just wanted to get some extra insight on a dilemme i’m in at the moment, but currently i’ve just finished my first term of second year at UCL studying media, and i really want to transfer unis because i’m not enjoying the course at all. I’ve been feeling this way since first year second term, but decided to just stick it out because of how prestigious UCL is. My course is very new (i think it started around 2021) and you can tell we are still essentially their guinea pigs. It’s also very practical based which i didn’t completely expect and isn’t something i enjoy that much because i don’t have plans on being a film director or producer or anything of the sort. I’m much more interested in the theoretical side which Sussex has, and i feel like it’s a good option for me. However i’m worried that this could be the wrong decision and staying at UCL would be better for me as a postgrad for job prospects and things like that, so i’m not entirely sure. It’s a very big decision to make, and i’ve already started my ucas application just incase but could anyone give any advice?? tysm !!!