The Student Room Group

st andrews scholarship

hey everyone,
does anyone have an experience with applying for scholarships and got one, what was your experience and what made you stand out?
thank you :smile:))
St Andrews' main scholarship is their 'Access' scholarship, which I have received. There are other scholarships however. You will lose nought if you apply and cannot get it.

They do not compare your application's 'worthiness' against others. If everyone applied and were eligible (by meeting the criteria on the scholarship page), everyone would get the scholarship (and thereby bankrupt the uni...).

Though, the application period may close before you even get notified of their academic grade offer, so apply sooner rather than later! They will tell you if you got (all or part of) the scholarship or not around the start of September. For the access scholarship at least, you only apply once at the start of your degree, and the scholarship will carry on with you throughout. This may well not be the case for others.


Scholarship Main Page:
Access Scholarship Page:
Application Portal:
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
St Andrews' main scholarship is their 'Access' scholarship, which I have received. There are other scholarships however. You will lose nought if you apply and cannot get it.
They do not compare your application's 'worthiness' against others. If everyone applied and were eligible (by meeting the criteria on the scholarship page), everyone would get the scholarship (and thereby bankrupt the uni...).
Though, the application period may close before you even get notified of their academic grade offer, so apply sooner rather than later! They will tell you if you got (all or part of) the scholarship or not around the start of September. For the access scholarship at least, you only apply once at the start of your degree, and the scholarship will carry on with you throughout. This may well not be the case for others.
Scholarship Main Page:
Access Scholarship Page:
Application Portal:

thank you!! this was so helpful :smile:

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