Does university of chester gives extension after course start date for international students?
When we're you supposed to start? Did you manage to complete stage 1 of the enrollment process, which is done on-line? Or are you full enrolled (stage 1 and stage 2), but simply haven't begun attending lectures etc. yet?
Hi @Mubeen fatima We recommend you get in touch with the International admissions team directly - [email protected]. Best wishes, Becky
I did but i have not received such a response. They asked me to come on time and there might be slightly chances they give little extension to some cases. But idk i might not come on time. I need extension for few days how would i ask them?
I did but i have not received such a response. They asked me to come on time and there might be slightly chances they give little extension to some cases. But idk i might not come on time. I need extension for few days how would i ask them?
Hi @Mubeen fatima Our international team do not have access to the student room, therefore you will need to communicate with them via [email protected]. Best wishes, Becky
Hi becky, they aint returning my emails. Can u help me with this matter pls?
Hi becky, they aint returning my emails. Can u help me with this matter pls?
Could you send us a private message with your email address, student number and the course that you have applied for and we can ask our international team to look into this for you.
As i have dealt with this matter and now i got extension of one week. Now there is another problem which is im unable to login to my portal for my enrolment. Whats matter with it? How can i do my enrolment now?
You don't mention how you have "dealt with this matter", and whether or not it was a result of the intervention of @University of Chester, but I note that you've yet to thank anyone publicly for the assistance they've given, and wonder whether you might be more likely to receive continued support if you do. Just a thought.
You don't mention how you have "dealt with this matter", and whether or not it was a result of the intervention of @University of Chester, but I note that you've yet to thank anyone publicly for the assistance they've given, and wonder whether you might be more likely to receive continued support if you do. Just a thought.
When we're you supposed to start? Did you manage to complete stage 1 of the enrollment process, which is done on-line? Or are you full enrolled (stage 1 and stage 2), but simply haven't begun attending lectures etc. yet? I suggest you contact [email protected] about the enrollment process. You can also find more details at