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I hate uni and I think it's too late

I'm in second year and studying law. The course is okay, I dont have a problem with that. I just don't like uni and I don't like it because I haven't lived the uni experience. I have zero friends, like no one and I think that is one of the reasons but I also don't know how to make friends (ik that sounds stupid). It's just hard really. I don't know what to do to make it more enjoyable. Like I have no clue. I don't go to societies because I get anxious meeting new people. Is there anything else I can do to make it more enjoyable? Any advice would be really helpful, kinda had enough if you want me to be honest and I feel like I've made a wrong decision staying at this uni. Everyone on social media makes uni seem fun and cool, and they always say it is the best years of their life but for me its the worst. I have one more year left and a few months left, i just want to make those enjoyable.Anyways thanks for reading x
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to bump this thread because I have never felt more lonely than I do now - first year in university LOL
If you are naturally introverted then join 'quiet' clubs and not 'rugger bugger' social clubs. Thus, there must be a book club or walking club at your uni.

Not everyone is outgoing and confident, there are lots of people who are introverts and at uni. Its not too late but YOU have to make a conscious effort. By year 2 people have formed into cliques so you will not break into a group on your course so the only option is social clubs.
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by purplezzz
I'm in second year and studying law. The course is okay, I dont have a problem with that. I just don't like uni and I don't like it because I haven't lived the uni experience. I have zero friends, like no one and I think that is one of the reasons but I also don't know how to make friends (ik that sounds stupid). It's just hard really. I don't know what to do to make it more enjoyable. Like I have no clue. I don't go to societies because I get anxious meeting new people. Is there anything else I can do to make it more enjoyable? Any advice would be really helpful, kinda had enough if you want me to be honest and I feel like I've made a wrong decision staying at this uni. Everyone on social media makes uni seem fun and cool, and they always say it is the best years of their life but for me its the worst. I have one more year left and a few months left, i just want to make those enjoyable.Anyways thanks for reading x


Making friends and enjoying university can take time, but there are small steps you can try. Start by attending a casual society event or workshop (even just for 15 minutes, as hard as it is getting outside your comfort zone does end up becoming rewarding)—you’ll find others who are just as nervous but looking to connect. You could also try attending volunteering opportunities on campus, as these can be less intimidating ways to meet people with similar interests.

I had a similar experience to yours and joined some events that my module leaders put up, which not only allowed me to develop a better relationship with them (especially in terms of needing them as a reference) but I also was able to meet some classmates and bond with them through the experience. Though it does take some time, building friendships did happen. I think, attending societies like Art society or even a sports society helps ease the anxiety, too as you are really in your head as much cause of the atmosphere created in these societies. University life varies for all, especially when you see those stories on social media. But you got this!

Best Wishes,

Sabba | Coventry University Student Ambassador | Law LLB
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by purplezzz
I'm in second year and studying law. The course is okay, I dont have a problem with that. I just don't like uni and I don't like it because I haven't lived the uni experience. I have zero friends, like no one and I think that is one of the reasons but I also don't know how to make friends (ik that sounds stupid). It's just hard really. I don't know what to do to make it more enjoyable. Like I have no clue. I don't go to societies because I get anxious meeting new people. Is there anything else I can do to make it more enjoyable? Any advice would be really helpful, kinda had enough if you want me to be honest and I feel like I've made a wrong decision staying at this uni. Everyone on social media makes uni seem fun and cool, and they always say it is the best years of their life but for me its the worst. I have one more year left and a few months left, i just want to make those enjoyable.Anyways thanks for reading x


Thanks for sharing, there will be more people than you think going through this/feeling how you are about university. I would advise you to speak to family and friends to let them know how you are feeling. I would also advise you to speak to a personal tutor/ your module leader to let them know how you are feeling about this.

I would also advise you to join societies as this can help you to make new friends as people there will have a common interest.

I hope this helps & have a great Christmas!

Wrexham Uni Reps
Original post by purplezzz
I'm in second year and studying law. The course is okay, I dont have a problem with that. I just don't like uni and I don't like it because I haven't lived the uni experience. I have zero friends, like no one and I think that is one of the reasons but I also don't know how to make friends (ik that sounds stupid). It's just hard really. I don't know what to do to make it more enjoyable. Like I have no clue. I don't go to societies because I get anxious meeting new people. Is there anything else I can do to make it more enjoyable? Any advice would be really helpful, kinda had enough if you want me to be honest and I feel like I've made a wrong decision staying at this uni. Everyone on social media makes uni seem fun and cool, and they always say it is the best years of their life but for me its the worst. I have one more year left and a few months left, i just want to make those enjoyable.Anyways thanks for reading x

Hi @purplezzz,

I'm sorry to hear your not enjoying your university experience. Making friends can be difficult, especially for those of us who are more introverted, however I have a couple suggestions. 😊

I know society events can be intimidating, however it's important to remember the purpose of these are to connect like-minded people. It's often a very welcoming environment and can be an excellent chance to bond with people. The benefit of societies is it's much easier to start conversations, as you already have a joint interest.

I also wouldn't rule out making connections on your course. A simple greeting can build into a conversation, then possibly a friendship. Many people are very open to creating new friendships, so put yourself out there. Personally, I've made more friends in my second year than my first. I also have a friend who only started joining societies in his third year and he made lots of friends through that! So hopefully this gives you some confidence that things will change.

It's also important to remember, you are not alone in how you feel. Many others are in the same boat. So although putting yourself out there can be intimidating, it's likely others are just too anxious to as well as making the first move can be a great choice.

Finally, remember what people post on social media are only what they want you to see, so don't compare yourself with them.

I hope this helps, please feel free to ask me any questions,
-Sophia (Business and Management)
Original post by purplezzz
I'm in second year and studying law. The course is okay, I dont have a problem with that. I just don't like uni and I don't like it because I haven't lived the uni experience. I have zero friends, like no one and I think that is one of the reasons but I also don't know how to make friends (ik that sounds stupid). It's just hard really. I don't know what to do to make it more enjoyable. Like I have no clue. I don't go to societies because I get anxious meeting new people. Is there anything else I can do to make it more enjoyable? Any advice would be really helpful, kinda had enough if you want me to be honest and I feel like I've made a wrong decision staying at this uni. Everyone on social media makes uni seem fun and cool, and they always say it is the best years of their life but for me its the worst. I have one more year left and a few months left, i just want to make those enjoyable.Anyways thanks for reading x

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing how you're feeling, it takes courage to open up, and I’m really sorry to hear that your university experience hasn’t been what you hoped for so far. It’s completely okay to feel this way, and you’re definitely not alone in experiencing these challenges.

University can feel overwhelming, especially when it seems like everyone else is having the time of their lives, but social media often shows a filtered version of reality. Many students face similar struggles with loneliness or anxiety about making friends, so try not to be too hard on yourself.

If joining societies feels too intimidating, maybe start with smaller, more casual interactions. For example, if your uni has study groups, workshops, or coffee mornings, these can be great low-pressure ways to meet people who share your interests. You could also connect with others in your course—you already have something in common to talk about! Even something simple like saying, “Hey, how are you finding this module?” can be a good icebreaker.

Another idea is to explore events hosted by your university’s well-being or support teams. They sometimes run activities like mindfulness sessions, drop-in chats, or hobby-based groups designed to help students connect. If those feel more approachable, it could be a good way to ease into meeting people.

You might also want to talk to your university’s student support services about how you’re feeling. They can offer tailored advice or counselling to help you navigate this and find strategies to make the most of your final year.

Remember, it’s never too late to improve your experience. Focus on small steps, building even one meaningful connection can make a big difference. And don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way; it’s okay to go at your own pace.

Wishing you all the best, and I really hope these next months become more enjoyable for you!
Original post by purplezzz
I'm in second year and studying law. The course is okay, I dont have a problem with that. I just don't like uni and I don't like it because I haven't lived the uni experience. I have zero friends, like no one and I think that is one of the reasons but I also don't know how to make friends (ik that sounds stupid). It's just hard really. I don't know what to do to make it more enjoyable. Like I have no clue. I don't go to societies because I get anxious meeting new people. Is there anything else I can do to make it more enjoyable? Any advice would be really helpful, kinda had enough if you want me to be honest and I feel like I've made a wrong decision staying at this uni. Everyone on social media makes uni seem fun and cool, and they always say it is the best years of their life but for me its the worst. I have one more year left and a few months left, i just want to make those enjoyable.Anyways thanks for reading x

Hi there,

I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling like this at uni. University can be hard as it is something different to anything you will have done before so don't worry that you are feeling this way as lots of people feel like this too. I understand how you feel and it can be hard when you feel like everyone else is having the best time ever and you feel like there is lots of expectations for you to be having a great time too, but this isn't reality for a lot of people at uni and even people who are posting that they are having the best time may be struggling too.

Here are some of the ways that I have made friends at uni and I hope some of these may help you too:


Just going to my classes. I know that this sounds silly and I am sure you are doing this anyway, but try and make sure that you are going to your lectures and seminars as they are great ways of making friends, especially if you have any group work or you do any group tasks in the seminars. Try and speak to a new person in one of your lectures and sit next to someone new as you never know you may get on well with them.


I know you said you are unsure about societies which is fine, but there may still be something that you enjoy. They aren't all as scary as they seem and some have less members which might feel less scary. Or, if you don't want to join now, you could join next September as there will be lots of people there then which are new so it wouldn't just be you!


Social media. Sometimes on social media there will be groups where you can connect with people who are on your course or just at your uni in general and this can be less scary than talking to people face to face. It's worth having a look as you may meet some people this way!


See if your student union puts any events on. Often the SU will have events which you can go to - at Hallam the SU puts on 'give it a go' events where you can meet new people and try out new, fun activities! It's also worth a look as there may be something fun you are interested in.

I hope some of this helps,

Lucy -SHU student ambassador.

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