The Student Room Group

Driving cancellation ASAP

Does anyone know the best/most secure site to get a cancellation ASAP?
Testi I think, but my daughter isn't having much luck with it.
Original post by Sasuk3
Does anyone know the best/most secure site to get a cancellation ASAP?

testi was good but you had to pay for to unlock the good features on it
Reply 3
Original post by bluegray
testi was good but you had to pay for to unlock the good features on it

I’ve paid for that and still haven’t gotten a single test
Original post by Sasuk3
I’ve paid for that and still haven’t gotten a single test

yea it can still take some time, you're best bet it to check early monday morning and add as many test centres that you can do
due to a lot of people being on holiday around december time their may be less cancellations then usual as there's less tests (examiners on holiday) and more students available to take them

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