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My family always asks for money off me

My dad used to make me pay to live with him but now I’ve moved out he still asks for the same amount when I visit or even more, or he asks me to buy him stuff for the house. He sometimes even asks for money just so he can give to my sisters because they have kids and I don’t he thinks I don’t deserve any money even though I need it to live.
What do I do when he asks for money? Should I just give him it? I dread going there for Christmas because I feel like I just get taken advantage of every-time I’m at home. He makes me feel guilty if I don’t give him any saying stuff like he has no money yet he makes way more than me. And he has to take me to my benefit appointment when I go back because he’s my appointee still and I feel like he won’t do it unless I give him money. I don’t know if I’m being taken advantage of or he actually deserves it
Original post by Anonymous
My dad used to make me pay to live with him but now I’ve moved out he still asks for the same amount when I visit or even more, or he asks me to buy him stuff for the house. He sometimes even asks for money just so he can give to my sisters because they have kids and I don’t he thinks I don’t deserve any money even though I need it to live.
What do I do when he asks for money? Should I just give him it? I dread going there for Christmas because I feel like I just get taken advantage of every-time I’m at home. He makes me feel guilty if I don’t give him any saying stuff like he has no money yet he makes way more than me. And he has to take me to my benefit appointment when I go back because he’s my appointee still and I feel like he won’t do it unless I give him money. I don’t know if I’m being taken advantage of or he actually deserves it
I'm sorry if I've misunderstood anything but are you a grown adult? Seeing as you've moved out and you have a place of your own? You're literally an adult so why can't you just say no?
Also yes - he is clearly using you. He has no reason to be asking you for money, you don't owe him anything like that.
OH YAY! He takes you to your benefit appointment!! - Whether your a child, teenager or adult - he shouldn't be charging you or asking for money because he is your DAD and not a taxi driver or smt. Also I've never understood why parents charge their own kids to pay to live with them - it's stupid and all I can think is that there full of greed.
If you don't have a good time with him at christmas, maybe this year should be the first time where you take a step back from the situation. I know this sounds tough because christmas is a time for family but clearly he isn't acting how family should if he is just using you.
I understand that this is a difficult situation to be with seeing as he's your dad but it does sound like he's taking advantage of you :smile:
You have the solution by yourself. Because you should inform them about your earning. I hope they will understand your problem and never asks for more money from you.
Reply 3
Original post by cherrycosmos
I'm sorry if I've misunderstood anything but are you a grown adult? Seeing as you've moved out and you have a place of your own? You're literally an adult so why can't you just say no?
Also yes - he is clearly using you. He has no reason to be asking you for money, you don't owe him anything like that.
OH YAY! He takes you to your benefit appointment!! - Whether your a child, teenager or adult - he shouldn't be charging you or asking for money because he is your DAD and not a taxi driver or smt. Also I've never understood why parents charge their own kids to pay to live with them - it's stupid and all I can think is that there full of greed.
If you don't have a good time with him at christmas, maybe this year should be the first time where you take a step back from the situation. I know this sounds tough because christmas is a time for family but clearly he isn't acting how family should if he is just using you.
I understand that this is a difficult situation to be with seeing as he's your dad but it does sound like he's taking advantage of you :smile:

Yeah I’m a grown adult but I have a disability so he thinks he can use me because he thinks I’m too stupid to realise and treats me different to my sisters because of that. He thinks I don’t deserve any money because I don’t work and on benefits, I need money to live. Or he just doesn’t care because all he cares about is money. If he asks me this time I’ll just say no stop using me. He will get mad when I say no but that’s his problem
Original post by Anonymous
Yeah I’m a grown adult but I have a disability so he thinks he can use me because he thinks I’m too stupid to realise and treats me different to my sisters because of that. He thinks I don’t deserve any money because I don’t work and on benefits, I need money to live. Or he just doesn’t care because all he cares about is money. If he asks me this time I’ll just say no stop using me. He will get mad when I say no but that’s his problem
Ohh I understand. Tell him to get lost then. You have getting money because you need it - you need it to live by and no offence but it's not like your rich is it? You have the money to get you by in life and he's still using you. I have a disabled sibling too and I don't think he'll be able to work in the future - you're in a vulnerable position and it's not right for you're dad to take advantage of you x

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