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A level advice

I want to study pharmacy in uni, but I don't know what a levels to pick.
Could I get into uni without a biology a level?
Reply 1
Original post by amyy01
I want to study pharmacy in uni, but I don't know what a levels to pick.
Could I get into uni without a biology a level?

I meant without a chemistry a level
Reply 2
most likely not, but you'd have to look around for university entry requirements. most (especially russel groups) want 2 science subjects for any science-related degree, if not 3.

uni of manchester's pharmacy course, for example, asks for "chemistry, either mathematics or biology, and one further rigorous academic subject" so you will need chemistry even more than you will biology (which is a given considering pharmacy is the study of medicines and drugs i.e chemicals). if you don't like chemistry at all, you might wanna reevaluate what degree or career path you really want to go down because it will be essential, and will be a part of alevel biology too.
Reply 3
Original post by amyy01
I meant without a chemistry a level
Its a vital subject for Pharmacy.
Reply 4
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Reply 5
Original post by neptune_
most likely not, but you'd have to look around for university entry requirements. most (especially russel groups) want 2 science subjects for any science-related degree, if not 3.
uni of manchester's pharmacy course, for example, asks for "chemistry, either mathematics or biology, and one further rigorous academic subject" so you will need chemistry even more than you will biology (which is a given considering pharmacy is the study of medicines and drugs i.e chemicals). if you don't like chemistry at all, you might wanna reevaluate what degree or career path you really want to go down because it will be essential, and will be a part of alevel biology too.

Okay thanks, what a level do u do (if your doing them)?
Original post by amyy01
I want to study pharmacy in uni, but I don't know what a levels to pick.
Could I get into uni without a biology a level?

Hi @amyy01,

Unfortunately you can't get away with a degree in Pharmacy without chemistry. Chemistry is the essential A-Level for all prospective pharmacists. The standard A-Level combination for pharmacy students is Chemistry, Biology and Maths. However, sometimes maths can be interchangeable for Physics- but this depends on the university.

Hope this helps,
BCU Student Rep
Reply 7
Original post by amyy01
Okay thanks, what a level do u do (if your doing them)?

biology, geography and english! i will say that taking chemistry alongside biology can help a lot, even if you don't need it for uni. i know that there are weaknesses in my learning where people taking chemistry are often okay with and may even have a strength in because they have a greater knowledge in chemistry from taking the alevel (that's not to say it's an essential combo, but it is complementary).

feel free to ask any more questions, and best of luck with you alevel decisions!!
Reply 8
Original post by neptune_
biology, geography and english! i will say that taking chemistry alongside biology can help a lot, even if you don't need it for uni. i know that there are weaknesses in my learning where people taking chemistry are often okay with and may even have a strength in because they have a greater knowledge in chemistry from taking the alevel (that's not to say it's an essential combo, but it is complementary).
feel free to ask any more questions, and best of luck with you alevel decisions!!

Thanks a lot! How are you finding biology?
Original post by amyy01
Thanks a lot! How are you finding biology?

i'm personally enjoying it! there have been times where i have loathed myself for taking it (since i don't actually need it for uni) but, now that i'm in year 13, i do feel as though everything is starting to come together and make sense, making it one of my favs at the moment. definitely the most difficult of mine in terms of how much you need to know-and that is definitely true of all the sciences-but, as long as you're willing to put the work in, you do cover some really interesting topics that i find are much more engaging than gcse because of the extra detail, and that always is a good sign when it comes to picking the right subjects for you! the practicals are always an added bonus too

also, just as a side note, do be aware that certain exam boards for biology have different assessment questions (i believe aqa has a 25 mark essay on one of their papers, whereas i'm on ocr a and my highest marked questions are only 6!) in case you're dead set about not doing essays or anything!
Reply 10
Original post by neptune_
i'm personally enjoying it! there have been times where i have loathed myself for taking it (since i don't actually need it for uni) but, now that i'm in year 13, i do feel as though everything is starting to come together and make sense, making it one of my favs at the moment. definitely the most difficult of mine in terms of how much you need to know-and that is definitely true of all the sciences-but, as long as you're willing to put the work in, you do cover some really interesting topics that i find are much more engaging than gcse because of the extra detail, and that always is a good sign when it comes to picking the right subjects for you! the practicals are always an added bonus too
also, just as a side note, do be aware that certain exam boards for biology have different assessment questions (i believe aqa has a 25 mark essay on one of their papers, whereas i'm on ocr a and my highest marked questions are only 6!) in case you're dead set about not doing essays or anything!

Nice! What topics do you cover in biology?

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