Hello everybody, hope you all are doing well. I’m in my O’3(last year of O levels/Gcses) and I am very confused on either to go for A levels or Foundation year at City uni. I’m a very ambitious person but I need to save a year due to some personal reasons. I’ve got 2 A’s in my caies/gcses and I’m very hopeful that I’ll have good grades in my final caies/gcses. I was very hopeful to get into Qmul or Kcl but I’ve heard they don’t take students after O levels only. Is that true? What if I apply for an integrated foundation at these 2 Unis, will they take me then? I’m also scared that I’ll fall off in my A levels as I’ve seen many people go through that and I won’t be able to take that. Furthermore, if I do even attend Foundation year at City and score good; will I be eligible to apply and get accepted into Kcl or Qmul?