I was wondering if you guys think my GCSEs will be good enough for Durham natsci (I’m a non contextual because I go to a very good school). To preface I am applying for physics and chem and I’m predicted 3A*s in maths physics and chem, I am also ranked highest in my year out of 70 for the people who take my subjects. I have done a load of extra curricular (head of charity, prefect, academic mentor) and have done a lot of supercurricular which I talked about on my PS (gold in c3l6, read 3 books, nuclear physics mooc, project on band theory of conduction). My main concern are my GCSEs which were 9998888877, I know these aren’t bad but I didn’t get 9s in maths or chemistry (both 8s) and I was wondering if you think this’ll affect my chances of getting in? Durham is my number one choice and I rlly wanna go there but I wonder if not getting 9s in them will be bad for it. I was hoping to get your guys opinions on my chances? Thanks very much and good luck all!