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Are my GCSEs good enough? Applying for Durham

I was wondering if you guys think my GCSEs will be good enough for Durham natsci (I’m a non contextual because I go to a very good school). To preface I am applying for physics and chem and I’m predicted 3A*s in maths physics and chem, I am also ranked highest in my year out of 70 for the people who take my subjects. I have done a load of extra curricular (head of charity, prefect, academic mentor) and have done a lot of supercurricular which I talked about on my PS (gold in c3l6, read 3 books, nuclear physics mooc, project on band theory of conduction). My main concern are my GCSEs which were 9998888877, I know these aren’t bad but I didn’t get 9s in maths or chemistry (both 8s) and I was wondering if you think this’ll affect my chances of getting in? Durham is my number one choice and I rlly wanna go there but I wonder if not getting 9s in them will be bad for it. I was hoping to get your guys opinions on my chances? Thanks very much and good luck all!
Reply 1
Original post by tobyrathmell
I was wondering if you guys think my GCSEs will be good enough for Durham natsci (I’m a non contextual because I go to a very good school). To preface I am applying for physics and chem and I’m predicted 3A*s in maths physics and chem, I am also ranked highest in my year out of 70 for the people who take my subjects. I have done a load of extra curricular (head of charity, prefect, academic mentor) and have done a lot of supercurricular which I talked about on my PS (gold in c3l6, read 3 books, nuclear physics mooc, project on band theory of conduction). My main concern are my GCSEs which were 9998888877, I know these aren’t bad but I didn’t get 9s in maths or chemistry (both 8s) and I was wondering if you think this’ll affect my chances of getting in? Durham is my number one choice and I rlly wanna go there but I wonder if not getting 9s in them will be bad for it. I was hoping to get your guys opinions on my chances? Thanks very much and good luck all!

You should be have a good chance even with 8s in those subjects- definitely worth applying-
Original post by Vetmum13
You should be have a good chance even with 8s in those subjects- definitely worth applying-

Thank you!
Of course you do, unless it is listed as an entry requirement, not having something will not disadvantage you.

To read more about how (little) competitive unis look at GCSE performance read this:
Reply 4
Original post by tobyrathmell
I was wondering if you guys think my GCSEs will be good enough for Durham natsci (I’m a non contextual because I go to a very good school). To preface I am applying for physics and chem and I’m predicted 3A*s in maths physics and chem, I am also ranked highest in my year out of 70 for the people who take my subjects. I have done a load of extra curricular (head of charity, prefect, academic mentor) and have done a lot of supercurricular which I talked about on my PS (gold in c3l6, read 3 books, nuclear physics mooc, project on band theory of conduction). My main concern are my GCSEs which were 9998888877, I know these aren’t bad but I didn’t get 9s in maths or chemistry (both 8s) and I was wondering if you think this’ll affect my chances of getting in? Durham is my number one choice and I rlly wanna go there but I wonder if not getting 9s in them will be bad for it. I was hoping to get your guys opinions on my chances? Thanks very much and good luck all!

You're like 99% getting in with those grades and personal statement dw 😂😂😂 Making me feel concerned haha. I don't think Durham will care much about your GCSEs or your ranking in your school.
Original post by tobyrathmell
I was wondering if you guys think my GCSEs will be good enough for Durham natsci (I’m a non contextual because I go to a very good school). To preface I am applying for physics and chem and I’m predicted 3A*s in maths physics and chem, I am also ranked highest in my year out of 70 for the people who take my subjects. I have done a load of extra curricular (head of charity, prefect, academic mentor) and have done a lot of supercurricular which I talked about on my PS (gold in c3l6, read 3 books, nuclear physics mooc, project on band theory of conduction). My main concern are my GCSEs which were 9998888877, I know these aren’t bad but I didn’t get 9s in maths or chemistry (both 8s) and I was wondering if you think this’ll affect my chances of getting in? Durham is my number one choice and I rlly wanna go there but I wonder if not getting 9s in them will be bad for it. I was hoping to get your guys opinions on my chances? Thanks very much and good luck all!

Hi there, I got an offer about an hour ago from Durham for MSc Mathematics and Physics of A*AA, with the GCSE grades 87776654, with predicted grades of A*A*A*. So I think that you will genuinely be fine, I was worried at first when I saw everyone’s GCSE grades and thought that I had quite a slim chance of getting in! Don’t worry about the GCSE grades if you do AS levels get grades that are as high as possible or if you don’t do them, do as well as you can on your mock exams to boost your UCAS/predicted grades.
Original post by tobyrathmell
I was wondering if you guys think my GCSEs will be good enough for Durham natsci (I’m a non contextual because I go to a very good school). To preface I am applying for physics and chem and I’m predicted 3A*s in maths physics and chem, I am also ranked highest in my year out of 70 for the people who take my subjects. I have done a load of extra curricular (head of charity, prefect, academic mentor) and have done a lot of supercurricular which I talked about on my PS (gold in c3l6, read 3 books, nuclear physics mooc, project on band theory of conduction). My main concern are my GCSEs which were 9998888877, I know these aren’t bad but I didn’t get 9s in maths or chemistry (both 8s) and I was wondering if you think this’ll affect my chances of getting in? Durham is my number one choice and I rlly wanna go there but I wonder if not getting 9s in them will be bad for it. I was hoping to get your guys opinions on my chances? Thanks very much and good luck all!


Although GCSE grades are a factor in Durham's admission policy, Durham does consider other parts of your application like your predicted grades, your personal statement and your reference, amongst many other factors! (You can check our admission policy here.) Although I am not a NatSci student myself, I do think in general Durham is looking mostly for students that demonstrate interest in their subject and have ability in it; if your application has demonstrated that, I think you have a great chance of joining!

I know this answer is very much a cop-out one but I would say that there's more to your application than just your grades and its important you show your interest in your application, regardless of what your GCSE grades are!

Please do apply to Durham (if you have not already) and good luck with your application journey :smile:
Lesath (DU Rep.)

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