I am 17 and my parents are both business owners who lead a really sporadic and loaded life. I understand that they are stressed out and have issues to manage this & so they take it out on me through arguing a lot. They are really irritable and I sometimes get annoyed at them as well. They have high expectations on me to take over the business as well as getting a law degree (they initially wanted me to do medicine but I have convinced them law would be a better fit). They have a huge control over my life (they stop me from going out with friends regularly, don't allow me to date -- especially people that aren't of my ethnic background, rush me into driving, control what I study -- like A Levels). I want to do well in school but I don't want to take over the business (common of Indian parents rly), and I don't even know if I want to do law (I think I might really like English at uni). The main problem is that they argue and disrespect me continually and I really want to get away. I am not financially independent and they wouldn't appreciate me getting a job as they expect me to help out in the shop. I really want minimal connection with them when I go to uni but stay in regular contact with my little sister who unfortunately has to deal with them longer -- hopefully they don't try indoctrinate and impose their ideals on her.
What steps can I take to moving out and becoming more independent? I want it to be subtle so they don't question me. I genuinely hate being at home because of them and I lock myself in my room often.