The Student Room Group

Switching to single honours (Philosophy)

I applied at Durham for Philosophy and Theology, do you think I can switch to straight Philosophy? If yes, at what point could I do this? After getting an offer? Once I’ve started at the uni? Any advice would be much appreciated!!
Hi @scarlet-paddle

It depends on the University whether you can switch. I would say most likely you can switch.

If you have received an offer, then you can email them to switch. I initially received an offer in Politics and Economics for the University of Southampton. I emailed later (as in around May) asking if I could switch to Philosophy, Politics and Economics and they approved it. And i also did this for another University as well, and they were also fine with it.

Hope this helps,
Student Ambassador
Original post by GEUoS
Hi @scarlet-paddle
It depends on the University whether you can switch. I would say most likely you can switch.
If you have received an offer, then you can email them to switch. I initially received an offer in Politics and Economics for the University of Southampton. I emailed later (as in around May) asking if I could switch to Philosophy, Politics and Economics and they approved it. And i also did this for another University as well, and they were also fine with it.
Hope this helps,
Student Ambassador

Okay great thank you so much!

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