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Questions from a Y11 about medicine

Hiya, I just wanted to ask you guys some questions hope I’m not being a bother. I’m in Y11 trying to decide whether medicine is the career path for me especially with A level choices being asked for now. I’m good with academics and am predicted mostly 9s. I love the aspect of helping people but can’t seem to get past the fact that everywhere I research medicine is shown as a career with bad pay/ pay progression with age and bad work/life balance . I would like to value pay and work life balance to a good standard as well in the future . Just wanted to get some advice from you and your opinions. Currently trying to decide between a medical or finance path. Sorry If I’m being a bother just trying to get past these questions 😭

Ps- For my sixth form application I have put down Bio Chem Maths. Would adding economics or further maths maybe open up both routes of medicine and finance for me ?
Reply 1
Hii, firstly, I want to say dont worry because i was literally in the same position as you last year in y11, when i couldnt decide whether i wanted to do medicine or economics. And i couldnt decide the whole of y11, and then on gcse results, i chose to do economics. The advice ill give is think about what u really like and enjoy, because if u really like medicine for example, that means despite the stressful conditions, u will still be satisfied and happy. I know its hard to really set out what u like, but just have a good think about it, and i think with time, things will work out. Also, i would suggest putting down bio, chem, maths and maybe further maths as a fourth, because ppl do go into finance or economics without actually doing the a-level, whereas further maths is quite important for top unis. This also keeps the medicine option open for now too! If u can drop subjects and change them in y12 as well, i wouldn't worry too much. Good luck!
Reply 2
Original post by ggggred
Hii, firstly, I want to say dont worry because i was literally in the same position as you last year in y11, when i couldnt decide whether i wanted to do medicine or economics. And i couldnt decide the whole of y11, and then on gcse results, i chose to do economics. The advice ill give is think about what u really like and enjoy, because if u really like medicine for example, that means despite the stressful conditions, u will still be satisfied and happy. I know its hard to really set out what u like, but just have a good think about it, and i think with time, things will work out. Also, i would suggest putting down bio, chem, maths and maybe further maths as a fourth, because ppl do go into finance or economics without actually doing the a-level, whereas further maths is quite important for top unis. This also keeps the medicine option open for now too! If u can drop subjects and change them in y12 as well, i wouldn't worry too much. Good luck!

When you applied what did you initially put down? I’m scared that if I put down subjects and then decide to change I won’t be given the option for that subject later on.
Reply 3
So when i applied for sixth form, i put bio, chem, further maths and maths. Then on results day, i asked my teachers to change bio to economics. Generally, there should be space for subjects like economics, and so you should be allowed, u should talk to ur careers advisor or teacher about this, and ask if it is possible to change and switch subjects.
Reply 4
Original post by js234
Hiya, I just wanted to ask you guys some questions hope I’m not being a bother. I’m in Y11 trying to decide whether medicine is the career path for me especially with A level choices being asked for now. I’m good with academics and am predicted mostly 9s. I love the aspect of helping people but can’t seem to get past the fact that everywhere I research medicine is shown as a career with bad pay/ pay progression with age and bad work/life balance . I would like to value pay and work life balance to a good standard as well in the future . Just wanted to get some advice from you and your opinions. Currently trying to decide between a medical or finance path. Sorry If I’m being a bother just trying to get past these questions 😭
Ps- For my sixth form application I have put down Bio Chem Maths. Would adding economics or further maths maybe open up both routes of medicine and finance for me ?

don’t worry about being a bother! part of the purpose of this site is to give people a space to ask questions and get support :smile:
your concerns are completely valid, choosing med is not a light decision. if possible i would suggest arranging work experience as soon as possible - they are a hassle to organise so the sooner you start the better. obviously make sure you actually do the wex after your gcses though. i found my work experience was a really good way for me to realised that med was right for me - at the same time some of my friends who did a med work experience realised that they did not want to be doing this for the rest of their lives and switched to dent/something else completely.
ultimately each path has its pros and cons and getting experience will help you decide. i was also stuck between those two paths, but i did a finance work experience sort of day in year 11 summer with morgan stanley and absolutely hated it lol.
for your subject choices it really depends. econ isn’t really necessary for anything but is a great subject and really fun (i’m biased lol). further maths opens up russel group econ unis and other stem subjects at those types of unis. although you could probably get by without further too. and degree apprenticeships are always an option for finance, pretty sure those don’t need either econ or further maths. so your subject options sound fine to me, esp if you’re trying to keep things open for now :smile:
Original post by js234
Hiya, I just wanted to ask you guys some questions hope I’m not being a bother. I’m in Y11 trying to decide whether medicine is the career path for me especially with A level choices being asked for now. I’m good with academics and am predicted mostly 9s. I love the aspect of helping people but can’t seem to get past the fact that everywhere I research medicine is shown as a career with bad pay/ pay progression with age and bad work/life balance . I would like to value pay and work life balance to a good standard as well in the future . Just wanted to get some advice from you and your opinions. Currently trying to decide between a medical or finance path. Sorry If I’m being a bother just trying to get past these questions 😭
Ps- For my sixth form application I have put down Bio Chem Maths. Would adding economics or further maths maybe open up both routes of medicine and finance for me ?

hi, if i were you i would take bio, chem, maths and either econ or further maths. by taking 4 a levels, you can drop one if it’s not going well and it will keep your options open in both a medicine degree or finance. then as you progress through year 12 you can decide what you like and want to do - the a levels are much different to gcses so you may change your mind yk.

also maybe consider a career in dentistry - it is very similar to medicine in the sense that you are helping people and going to med school but the pay and work life balance is much better.

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