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Warwick or Manchester

I currently hold an offer from Warwick: MSc Business with Operations Management and Alliance Manchester: Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management. Please help me choose ...
Original post by Anonymous
I currently hold an offer from Warwick: MSc Business with Operations Management and Alliance Manchester: Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management. Please help me choose ...

Have you actually visited either university, at an open day or similar? They are very different universities in very different locations. When you visit them, you'll likely find that one suits you better.
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
Have you actually visited either university, at an open day or similar? They are very different universities in very different locations. When you visit them, you'll likely find that one suits you better.

I plan to on january.
which university is most reputed ? and well know internationally ? also got an offer for msc management from uni of edinburgh
Original post by Anonymous
I plan to on january.
which university is most reputed ? and well know internationally ? also got an offer for msc management from uni of edinburgh

QS World University Rankings include in their methodology both Academic Reputation (AR) and Employer Reputation (ER). If we look at just these two factors we see the following, for each of the three universities you've mentioned. (The scores are out of 100.)

Warwick: AR=72.2 ER=86.4 (source)
Manchester: AR=95.6 ER=98.1 (source)
Edinburgh: AR=98.3 ER=97.2 (source)

So if your sole criterion is international reputation (which it shouldn't be) then you should opt for Manchester or Edinburgh.
Original post by DataVenia
QS World University Rankings include in their methodology both Academic Reputation (AR) and Employer Reputation (ER). If we look at just these two factors we see the following, for each of the three universities you've mentioned. (The scores are out of 100.)
Warwick: AR=72.2 ER=86.4 (source)
Manchester: AR=95.6 ER=98.1 (source)
Edinburgh: AR=98.3 ER=97.2 (source)
So if your sole criterion is international reputation (which it shouldn't be) then you should opt for Manchester or Edinburgh.

Don’t trust these stats. Warwick is a target for most ibs and consultancy firms, Warwicks overall reputation with employeers is way better than Manchester and better than Edinburgh also. For example LSE is rated below UCL in the rankings but everyone knows that employers would rather hire someone from LSE than UCL if the hiring process was completely university dependant due to the elite reputation eventhough that’s not represented in the rankings.
Original post by Hugoooooooooeeoe
Don’t trust these stats. Warwick is a target for most ibs and consultancy firms, Warwicks overall reputation with employeers is way better than Manchester and better than Edinburgh also. For example LSE is rated below UCL in the rankings but everyone knows that employers would rather hire someone from LSE than UCL if the hiring process was completely university dependant due to the elite reputation eventhough that’s not represented in the rankings.

OP asked about "which university is most reputed ? and well know internationally ?" Are you answering from a UK or international perspective?

(BTW, I would agree that Warwick has a much better reputation that Manchester - but internationally that doesn't appear to be the case.)
I am really puzzled on choosing, I am between University of Manchester or Warwick Business.
Here are some of my considerations,
Tuition Fees: AMBS: 29k WBS: 37k
Dissertation: AMBS: yes WBS: yes but project
Reputation: AMBS: international WBS: UK, better only on subject based
the AMBS programme ranks 6th globally on subject based rankings (supply chain management) but the bussines and management dep ranks lower than WBS, and overall Manchester has a much better position.
Student life: i am not completely aware but AMBS: City uni WBS: campus uni, i dont know which one i prefer. Manchester for sure will be a good experience, warwick maybe be better but may be much worse.
As for the modules i cant choose which ones i prefer
Original post by kyriakoska224
I am really puzzled on choosing, I am between University of Manchester or Warwick Business.
Here are some of my considerations,
Tuition Fees: AMBS: 29k WBS: 37k
Dissertation: AMBS: yes WBS: yes but project
Reputation: AMBS: international WBS: UK, better only on subject based
the AMBS programme ranks 6th globally on subject based rankings (supply chain management) but the bussines and management dep ranks lower than WBS, and overall Manchester has a much better position.
Student life: i am not completely aware but AMBS: City uni WBS: campus uni, i dont know which one i prefer. Manchester for sure will be a good experience, warwick maybe be better but may be much worse.
As for the modules i cant choose which ones i prefer

I asked above whether you visited either, and you said "I plan to on january." I suggest that you wait until then before moving forward with your decision, as I feel sure that getting a "feel" for each uni will have a large impact on your decision, given that other aspects seem to be so evenly matched for you.

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