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Applying to AAA uni's with a BBB predicted. Is it stupid?


I want to study computer science and im currently predicted a BBB which might be bumped up to an ABB.
Ive currently put down as my options

University of liverpool
Univsersity of york
Lancaster Uni
Manchester Met
Sheffield Hallam (might do salford)

Both york and liverpool want AAA, but i want to know if its silly and if ill get instantly rejected. I think i messed up in yr12 as now im stuck with poor predicted grades yet i think i can achieve AAB atleast.
Id like some ideas for other unis if so then maybe, i live near manchester and dont want to go a million miles away but im happy to move out.
Thanks in advance!
Reply 1
It’s always good to have aspirational choices on UCAS and most of the time unis will ask for lower grades anyways, you can also look on each of the universities website they may have contextual offers depending if you meet the criteria too
Reply 2
Original post by m.ayr3s
It’s always good to have aspirational choices on UCAS and most of the time unis will ask for lower grades anyways, you can also look on each of the universities website they may have contextual offers depending if you meet the criteria too

i dont think i meet any contextual offers from what ive checked ive always been in the highest bands for things so no contextuals 🙃
Aspirational choices are usually one grade higher, sometimes 2 if you want to accept a bit more risk. 3 grades above really is a push and I would not recommend applying to two of those choices.
Reply 4
Original post by Admit-One
Aspirational choices are usually one grade higher, sometimes 2 if you want to accept a bit more risk. 3 grades above really is a push and I would not recommend applying to two of those choices.

Could you give any suggestions please? i dont really know where to look..
Could you give any suggestions please? i dont really know where to look..

Not my area of expertise I'm afraid.

You can filter by grades on UCAS. I think you can also do so by distance?
I agree and I would remove at least one of those two. Computer science is horribly competitive.

If you are not tied to Midlands/North then Surrey have ABB Sussex are ABB

Cardiff ABB
Lancaster AAB
Newcastle AAB
Hello @18ms

As you are aware, the entry requirements for Computer Science at Lancaster are AAB. You have said you think you could get this in your final grades. It might be worth speaking to your tutors and asking if they could increase your predicted grades based on any recent tests or exams you have done?

If you have any further questions regarding Lancaster University, please do not hesitate to ask!

Taylor (Lancaster Uni Student Ambassador)

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