The Student Room Group

Low predicted grades — any realistic chances of getting accepted?

Hello, everyone.

I am studying philosophy, politics and film studies at A-level and I’m doing an EPQ my predicted grades are currently at BDCC respectively. I intend to apply for the following courses at SOAS University of London:

- Politics and World Philosophies.

- History and World Philosophies.

- Global Liberal Arts.

The entry requirements for these courses range from AAB-ABB (BBB for contextual).

I have completed my UCAS application, but I’m quite apprehensive about sending it in as my predicted grades are dreadfully low, and I’m unsure if I’ll have any realistic chances of getting in. Should I reconsider my options? I really want to study at SOAS, but I must also be realistic about it. 😭
Original post by Lennon B.
Hello, everyone.

I am studying philosophy, politics and film studies at A-level and I’m doing an EPQ my predicted grades are currently at BDCC respectively. I intend to apply for the following courses at SOAS University of London:

- Politics and World Philosophies.

- History and World Philosophies.

- Global Liberal Arts.

The entry requirements for these courses range from AAB-ABB (BBB for contextual).

I have completed my UCAS application, but I’m quite apprehensive about sending it in as my predicted grades are dreadfully low, and I’m unsure if I’ll have any realistic chances of getting in. Should I reconsider my options? I really want to study at SOAS, but I must also be realistic about it. 😭

Take a look at the "Historical entry grades data" section for each course on UCAS. For example, the page for Politics and World Philosophies at SOAS is here. You will note that in recent years, they have made offers to 95% (19 in 20) of applicants.

You will also note that of applicants who held an offer on results day, 100% of those with BCC grades secure a place. There's no data for those with BCD grades, which probably just means too few people had those grades to include them.

I haven't checked the other two courses (you should), but applying with BCD predicted doesn't sound absurd. (You might want to focus on your Politics to get that D grade up.)

I assume you're not a contextual applicant.

While your predicted grades are below the standard entry requirements, don't let it discourage you from applying.


Contextual offers - Make sure you check whether you're eligible for a contextual offer as SOAS does consider this and this may help your application.


Personal statement and references - Your personal statement and teacher reference play a significant role in offsetting lower predicted grades. It sounds like you are passionate about these courses at SOAS specifically so I would use the personal statement to showcase your passion for your A Level subjects and link your EPQ to your intended courses of interest. SOAS often adopts a holistic approach with their admissions process, especially for students who demonstrate a strong alignment with their values and academic interests so grades aren't the main thing that is looked at.


Predicted grades VS Actual results: Predicted grades aren't always accurate and many students achieve much higher grades in their actual exams compared to the grades they've been predicted. I would strongly recommend you to continue with this application as you never know what could happen when you sit your exams. It's better to take a chance than regret not trying.


Clearing - If your final grades improve beyond your predictions without an offer, clearing could still be an option to secure a spot at SOAS.

Ultimately, apply if you're passionate about SOAS and its courses (which it sounds like you are) and hope for the best.
Good luck!

E, MSc Development Studies
(edited 1 month ago)

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