Contextual offers - Make sure you check whether you're eligible for a contextual offer as SOAS does consider this and this may help your application.
Personal statement and references - Your personal statement and teacher reference play a significant role in offsetting lower predicted grades. It sounds like you are passionate about these courses at SOAS specifically so I would use the personal statement to showcase your passion for your A Level subjects and link your EPQ to your intended courses of interest. SOAS often adopts a holistic approach with their admissions process, especially for students who demonstrate a strong alignment with their values and academic interests so grades aren't the main thing that is looked at.
Predicted grades VS Actual results: Predicted grades aren't always accurate and many students achieve much higher grades in their actual exams compared to the grades they've been predicted. I would strongly recommend you to continue with this application as you never know what could happen when you sit your exams. It's better to take a chance than regret not trying.
Clearing - If your final grades improve beyond your predictions without an offer, clearing could still be an option to secure a spot at SOAS.
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