The Student Room Group

Advice uni friendships

For some context, I took a year out of uni for MH but did not tell the friends I made on uni the ins and outs of my MH.

Unfortunately, that meant throughout the year I lost a lot of friends including the ones I made in uni because of my MH and my 2 best friends outside of uni.

I chose not to share about my MH because I felt vulnerable , does anyone have any advice?
Original post by Anonymous
For some context, I took a year out of uni for MH but did not tell the friends I made on uni the ins and outs of my MH.
Unfortunately, that meant throughout the year I lost a lot of friends including the ones I made in uni because of my MH and my 2 best friends outside of uni.
I chose not to share about my MH because I felt vulnerable , does anyone have any advice?

Hi there,

Are you heading back to uni? Or have you just started back? If you're heading back, this could be a great opportunity to meet new people. I know it will feel differently to when you were at uni previously, but there could be new friendships on the cards for you and you could treat your return as a fresh start.

You could always reach out to your uni friends again. I'm sure they would appreciate your situation and you don't necessarily have to tell them everything, but reaching out could rekindle things. It's perfectly okay to not want to share your personal situations and I'm sure true friends would understand your personal circumstances have impacted your life recently.

I hope things start to pick up for you. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU
Reply 2
Original post by BCU Student Rep
Hi there,
Are you heading back to uni? Or have you just started back? If you're heading back, this could be a great opportunity to meet new people. I know it will feel differently to when you were at uni previously, but there could be new friendships on the cards for you and you could treat your return as a fresh start.
You could always reach out to your uni friends again. I'm sure they would appreciate your situation and you don't necessarily have to tell them everything, but reaching out could rekindle things. It's perfectly okay to not want to share your personal situations and I'm sure true friends would understand your personal circumstances have impacted your life recently.
I hope things start to pick up for you. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU

Yes I have joined back and recommenced my studies. I don’t have the friend I made at uni on social media ( got removed) but did reach out to see if they wanted to meet up but didn’t get much of a response from what I remember.
Original post by Anonymous
For some context, I took a year out of uni for MH but did not tell the friends I made on uni the ins and outs of my MH.
Unfortunately, that meant throughout the year I lost a lot of friends including the ones I made in uni because of my MH and my 2 best friends outside of uni.
I chose not to share about my MH because I felt vulnerable , does anyone have any advice?

If you’re going back to uni i would say not to stress to much, especially because everyone else there also just wants to make friends with everyone else. Pretty much most of the uni students come alone and want to make friends with ease, as long as you’re friendly there should be no big issues. But i do recommend maybe joining some societies, sports clubs or even popping into the common room in the first few days of uni and just introducing yourself to those around you. I found that becoming friends with my flatmates really helped (i asked about courses and lectures and made a flat gc) as they knew other people that i was later introduced to. Also maybe joining any uni group chats, normally found on the page of the uni (links for WhatsApp gc) or TikTok (student-made ones), i found the TikTok a little bit better. Hope this helped.

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