I was in the same boat; my course kicked me out due to absences. I was sick for a significant amount of time, what started as a common cold morphed into the nastiest flu with a severe cough, followed by a severe ear infection, followed by a mild but persistent chest infection. I was on and off antibiotics, and as if that wasn't enough, just as I started seeing the light of day, I contracted rotavirus with all the trimmings. The whole experience messed up my sleep and nutrition schedule; I missed the mocks and other important assignments, not to mention the personal things I was looking forward to. So, I wrote an honest email to the course tutor/facilitator and explained what I've been up to. They asked if I could attend the final class and speak to them afterwards, which I did, and they made an official request to reinstate me, which was granted. I still have to hand in the assignments I've missed; sadly, they won't be able to rearrange the mocks.
I hope things work out for you too! My college takes mental health issues seriously, and I hope that yours is no exception. There is no shame in admitting you have experienced issues; it's a sign of strength. Stay strong! Merry Christmas!