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which law course should i pick??

I've applied to nottingham trent university for law with criminology, but having conversations with some adults, made me realise that maybe i should just do straight law, since i am aspiring to be a solicitor and apparently i may have a slight advantage in learning the SQE. But for nottingham trent they do Law sandwich year, however i've already sent my ucas application and still waiting for an offer, but i dont want to change it now, if that'll delay me getting an offer. So on results is it still possible to change the course u want to do?
(edited 1 month ago)
applied for exactly the same course and Nottingham Trent I received an offer but honestly, I’m also thinking of doing straight law. What I would do is wait for the offer to come and once it comes email the university straight away asking for it to change to straight Law I do believe NTU will except you because straight law and law with criminology are the same entry requirements so I would just say either call or email the university to change and they should do that for you
In terms of choosing whether or not to do straight law or law with criminology I would say that if you do believe that law with criminology would help you do well in the SQE exam then definitely go for it. I would definitely also doublecheck the content and compare the two. Usually with law and criminology, it’s still straight law but they would’ve taken out a few of them modules and replace them with criminology modules if that makes sense and this could affect what you specialise in as a solicitor I believe.
Hopefully, I’ve explained it well for you. And I hope it helped I’m no expert so yh 😭
Original post by elizabeth.adark
applied for exactly the same course and Nottingham Trent I received an offer but honestly, I’m also thinking of doing straight law. What I would do is wait for the offer to come and once it comes email the university straight away asking for it to change to straight Law I do believe NTU will except you because straight law and law with criminology are the same entry requirements so I would just say either call or email the university to change and they should do that for you
In terms of choosing whether or not to do straight law or law with criminology I would say that if you do believe that law with criminology would help you do well in the SQE exam then definitely go for it. I would definitely also doublecheck the content and compare the two. Usually with law and criminology, it’s still straight law but they would’ve taken out a few of them modules and replace them with criminology modules if that makes sense and this could affect what you specialise in as a solicitor I believe.
Hopefully, I’ve explained it well for you. And I hope it helped I’m no expert so yh 😭

u applied for law with criminology or the sandwich year?? Yes that's the thing i hope to specialise in criminal law so thats why I originally applied for law with criminology. But the sandwich year just seems good cause you get that extra work experience but idkkk 😭 also i meant that with just straight law apparently i may have an advantage
(edited 1 month ago)
I applied for Law with criminology, but if you think the sandwich year would get you that work experience then definitely go ahead. It looks good on a CV and so I would definitely recommend doing it it might also help you decide if you actually do want to be a solicitor because the working experience would involve day-to-day of being a solicitor and if you don’t find being a solicitor, for you, then you could always find other legal careers
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by mild-mannered-sp
I've applied to nottingham trent university for law with criminology, but having conversations with some adults, made me realise that maybe i should just do straight law, since i am aspiring to be a solicitor and apparently i may have a slight advantage in learning the SQE. But for nottingham trent they do Law sandwich year, however i've already sent my ucas application and still waiting for an offer, but i dont want to change it now, if that'll delay me getting an offer. So on results is it still possible to change the course u want to do?

Hi @mild-mannered-sp,

We know it can be difficult to make your UCAS choices, and at NTU we're always happy to discuss any course changes, and, should we be able to, ensure that you're set to study the right course for you.

Our Admissions team will be the best point of contact to discuss any course changes. Typically we are able to make amendments up until the end of June, even if you've already received an offer or made your Firm and Insurance choices, as long as you meet the new entry requirements and there is space available on the course. I would highly recommend getting in touch with the team to discuss this further.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any questions.


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