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AQA GCSE chemistry help

Someone help me with chemistry oml. I have a chemistry tutor, I study chemistry outside of school, i participate in class and still when i do past paper questions im getting 70% or less. Its really frustrating. I am not a bad student, except chemistry and maths i get all grade 8/9. Currently im getting a grade 6 in chemistry, but I was able to get my biology from a 6 to a 9 and my physics from a 6 to an 8, but chemistry just wont move. It really upsets me because i love the subject, its just the wording. If anyone wants to study together whos in year 10 or 11, id appreciate it.
Hey! it takes practice and patience, and it seems you are putting in a lot of practice. However, since you seem stuck at around a grade 6 in chemistry, I would suggest you (if you don’t already!) go over each paper you did and mark what went wrong, and focus on understanding and practicing these areas the most!

Good luck studying!
Reply 2
Hi not sure if a simple website link will help you, but its worth a go, try: , it has most of the gcse content and some practice questions to try, from what you say it sounds like your revsion method is sound, have you discussed your progress with your teacher or tutor and what the next steps you nee to take are- you need to change "something" or you are likely to just keep getting the same results!
Reply 3
Hi! I used to get the same results too, i think what you need to do is practice your weakest topics and ask your tutor-teacher for help, and then start to do exam questions. Then keep doing past papers and memorise the key words they use in the mark scheme for you exam board specification. For me, i do edexcel IGCSE, so my teacher gets us to use code words like SBE, structure bonding and energy to tackle the three markers like explain why melting point of )for example, NaCl is so high. Anyways i just didn a bunch a exam as and past papers, hope this helps :biggrin:
Reply 4
Original post by joannasimons2006
hey guys!! i’m currently a gap year student and i achieved 11 grade 9s across all my subjects
let me know if any of u r interested in a tutoring service which ive been doing for 2 years and seen amazing results in students too :smile:

Is there a fee from money?
Reply 5
Original post by joannasimons2006
if ur asking if i charge for sessions yes i do :smile:

😭Yh ofc you do. it’s okay I don’t have money either way! Hope you have a lovely week tho!

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