Hi, I got a decent set of GCSE results but I’m not sure if universities would accept me. For instance Manchester say they need 7 gCSEs at grade 7 or above (which i don’t have) and Leeds say that they aren’t likely to shortlist people with 6s in English and maths at GCSE. I know some unis put low requirements on GCSEs (e.g. KCL 6 in English and maths) would they still pick someone with better GCSEs to me even if i’ve got what’s required. Has anyone got into medicine with similar GCSEs or know any unis that may accept mine. Thank you.
GCSE results:
Biology- 8
Chemistry- 8
Physics- 8
Maths- 8
RS- 8
Food tech- 9
English language- 6
English literature- 6
Computer science- 6
German- 5