The Student Room Group

Architecture portfolio

I’m quite into my portfolio at this stage and since I take photography I decided to put some of that into my portfolio as I’m happy with them
But now after checking out some examples I’ve seen than most people don’t put that much photography in it

My portfolio now contains
5 drawings (different medias)
1 model (including 3 sketch pages) (all of this is in one page)
4 pages of photography (2 images on each slide) I put two of my best works from each project(this include photoshop editing) + two pictures of buildings I took on holiday that aren’t a part of my course and I think that maybe this is too much photography??
The most I’ve seen someone do is 6 pictures of buildings. Is it too much???
Original post by Hktli0
I’m quite into my portfolio at this stage and since I take photography I decided to put some of that into my portfolio as I’m happy with them
But now after checking out some examples I’ve seen than most people don’t put that much photography in it

My portfolio now contains
5 drawings (different medias)
1 model (including 3 sketch pages) (all of this is in one page)
4 pages of photography (2 images on each slide) I put two of my best works from each project(this include photoshop editing) + two pictures of buildings I took on holiday that aren’t a part of my course and I think that maybe this is too much photography??
The most I’ve seen someone do is 6 pictures of buildings. Is it too much???

What are the portfolio requirements of each of the unis you have applied to? Some unis don't want any photography (Manchester if I recall correctly) and other unis require it (e.g. Nottingham).
Reply 2
Original post by normaw
What are the portfolio requirements of each of the unis you have applied to? Some unis don't want any photography (Manchester if I recall correctly) and other unis require it (e.g. Nottingham).

I’ve checked the Manchester website and it states that you should only really add photography if you take photography as a course (I do take it as a course) and I’ve seen Nottingham accepted portfolios with photography in it. My only concern is how much photography can I add before it’s too much?
Original post by Hktli0
I’ve checked the Manchester website and it states that you should only really add photography if you take photography as a course (I do take it as a course) and I’ve seen Nottingham accepted portfolios with photography in it. My only concern is how much photography can I add before it’s too much?

If you search 'manchester uni architecture portfolio blogspot', you will be able to see portfolios submitted by other students. Have a look through a few to see how your portfolio compares in terms of variety of media.
Reply 4
I recommend looking at Manchester past blogs as Normaw suggested. I agree you should put less photographs, as drawing and graphic design are more key in an architecture degree. Remember to put your strongest work at the front of your portfolio.

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