The Student Room Group

How do you guys do this ? ( Durham studen helps plz)

I have received an offer from Durham and there is a post offer holder day. I live in London but I really don’t want to take a 6 hour coach ride. Or pay for an overpriced train ticket just for one day. Like what can I do ?
Original post by Anonymous
I have received an offer from Durham and there is a post offer holder day. I live in London but I really don’t want to take a 6 hour coach ride. Or pay for an overpriced train ticket just for one day. Like what can I do ?

Did you attend the open day? Are you undecided as to whether you should accept the offer as your firm or insurance choice or not?
Original post by Anonymous
I have received an offer from Durham and there is a post offer holder day. I live in London but I really don’t want to take a 6 hour coach ride. Or pay for an overpriced train ticket just for one day. Like what can I do ?


If you're unable to make it to Durham, there are resources online that you can use. Durham has self guided tours that you can access remotely, it includes a tour of the city, campus and colleges and its pretty useful; you can access that here Self-guided Tours - Durham University . Alternatively, you can have a look at online resources such as blogs, social media content, college tour videos, etc The Durham Student. Also, you can chat with Durham students/ambassadors on Unibuddy if you want to ask any subject specific/college specific questions and you'll be connected to a student at Durham that can help you out Unibuddy Chat with a student from Durham University - Durham University.

I along with another TSR rep monitor the Durham forums, so if you have any questions about studying at Durham, I'm happy to help and signpost you to whatever you need 🙂

Hope this helps!

(Official DU Rep)
Reply 3
Original post by DataVenia
Did you attend the open day? Are you undecided as to whether you should accept the offer as your firm or insurance choice or not?

I haven’t attended the open day. And yes I am undecided about whether to firm or insure Durham.
Original post by Anonymous
I haven’t attended the open day. And yes I am undecided about whether to firm or insure Durham.

Well, if you haven't attended an open day then you should definitely make every effort to attend an offer holder day. How can you possibly decide whether you want to spend three (or more) years of your life somewhere you've never even seen? You'll also have an opportunity to speak with some of the academic staff there, and probably some existing students. There are likely to be tours of the department and maybe a "taster" lecture. Also, if you're worried about the journey, you get to find out what that journey is really like. If you end up at Durham, you're likely going to be doing it several times a year!

If you attend the offer holder days of the unis which you might want to firm/insure, you'll be in a much better place to make that decision.

Oh, and don't rush to make a decision either. There's no benefit to making the decision before March/April. (Lots of students make the decision too early and then, a couple of months later, change their mind - which isn't really ideal.)
Reply 5
Yeah, you need to go.
if the journey and cost is putting you off…consider if it’s the right place for you, as you’ll be doing that journey several times each year.

There might be bursaries available to help with costs attending if you cannot afford the cost.

But def don’t firm somewhere you haven’t visited.
Original post by Anonymous
I have received an offer from Durham and there is a post offer holder day. I live in London but I really don’t want to take a 6 hour coach ride. Or pay for an overpriced train ticket just for one day. Like what can I do ?


Just to add, you may be able to claim an event bursary of up to 200 pounds for travel and accommodation costs associated with offer days. Information about that will be included in booking confirmation 🙂

(Official DU Rep)

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