The Student Room Group

Retaking first year for the third time.

I need some advice because I have no idea what to do. I have no careers advisors and I genuinely want to succeed.

I did law in my first year. I quickly knew that this was not meant for me so I tried to change within the first 2 weeks but was unable to due to the course I wanted to do was full.

I waited it out and changed to accounting. I did first year accounting and failed two modules. Both 39% 1 mark off a pass. Tried to appeal. No luck.

Now I’m re taking both modules now and I want to give up. I’m confused on whether I’d get funding or not for the remaining two years.

Also, I have applied to degree apprenticeships but most seem to be closed now. Any advice would be appreciated.
You get funded for however many years the first course you started doing were worth, plus one extra year.
Original post by Tchowds
I need some advice because I have no idea what to do. I have no careers advisors and I genuinely want to succeed.
I did law in my first year. I quickly knew that this was not meant for me so I tried to change within the first 2 weeks but was unable to due to the course I wanted to do was full.
I waited it out and changed to accounting. I did first year accounting and failed two modules. Both 39% 1 mark off a pass. Tried to appeal. No luck.
Now I’m re taking both modules now and I want to give up. I’m confused on whether I’d get funding or not for the remaining two years.
Also, I have applied to degree apprenticeships but most seem to be closed now. Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi there,

Do you have to retake the whole year, or can you retake the modules alongside the ones you will be doing after Christmas? You most likely would get funding for four years, assuming your original course was three years so if this is the case, you may not be able to get funding in your last year if you have to retake this whole year again. It's worth looking into this as this may affect your decision on what you end up doing.

You also say that you have no careers team - is this because your university doesn't have one? I would be surprised if there was no careers or employability advisors at all within your university so it might be worth just checking if there is anyone in a team like this that you may be able to talk to about how you are finding uni and see if they can help you with anything.

I also think it is a good idea to talk to your tutors about how you are finding university. They are usually quite helpful and if you have a personal tutor they are good to talk to as they will know what to say and will see lots of people who are in a similar position to you.

It may also be an idea to still look into degree apprenticeships as some of them may still be open so it is worth looking! I think some close when the UCAS deadline closes which isn't until later on in January so it's worth having a look at this in case there are any.

I hope some of this helps,

Lucy -SHU student ambassador.
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