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EPQ and Univeristies

I have now finished the first term of sixth form and still and worried about my EPQ title and ideas. My title currently is "How Does Architectural Design Influence Learning and Mental Well-Being in Educational Spaces?" I want to research this because I think it will be helpful for an architect career path and also I am genuinely interested in this topic. However, I feel like this is too focused on architecture and what If I dont want to be one in the future? Would universities care about your topics in your EPQ or just the grade? Thank You.
Reply 1
Original post by carnaldrax
I have now finished the first term of sixth form and still and worried about my EPQ title and ideas. My title currently is "How Does Architectural Design Influence Learning and Mental Well-Being in Educational Spaces?" I want to research this because I think it will be helpful for an architect career path and also I am genuinely interested in this topic. However, I feel like this is too focused on architecture and what If I dont want to be one in the future? Would universities care about your topics in your EPQ or just the grade? Thank You.

Whilst some Unis will give you a lower grade offer with a high EPQ grade, none insist on it - and I dont know of any that requires the EPQ title to be 'relevant' to your intended degree subject.
Original post by carnaldrax
I have now finished the first term of sixth form and still and worried about my EPQ title and ideas. My title currently is "How Does Architectural Design Influence Learning and Mental Well-Being in Educational Spaces?" I want to research this because I think it will be helpful for an architect career path and also I am genuinely interested in this topic. However, I feel like this is too focused on architecture and what If I dont want to be one in the future? Would universities care about your topics in your EPQ or just the grade? Thank You.

It will be very helpful for your future self to do an EPQ that is related to the degree you want to apply for. This is because it's a very useful thing to use in your personal statement to show your academic interest and prior knowledge in the subject. With that being said, many universities will still be likely to lower your entry requirement by a grade even if it doesn't relate to the course you take. You just won't be able to show your passion for the degree your applying for through the EPQ in your personal statement, which I believe is one of the most beneficial things about doing it. Hope this is helpful!
Reply 3
honestly you don't even need to reveal your epq title anywhere on your ucas application, unless where you're applying to specifies a reduction of a certain epq grade on a relevant topic.

your main focus for the epq should be choosing a topic that you enjoy and that you want to research, not something you feel you must do. obviously it's a bonus if what your topic is is relevant to what you wanna do next because that gives you a great piece of experience for preparing for uni and personal statements but it's not the be all and end all. if you enjoy your topic, then stick with it because that gives you the best chance of getting a good grade in it!
Original post by carnaldrax
I have now finished the first term of sixth form and still and worried about my EPQ title and ideas. My title currently is "How Does Architectural Design Influence Learning and Mental Well-Being in Educational Spaces?" I want to research this because I think it will be helpful for an architect career path and also I am genuinely interested in this topic. However, I feel like this is too focused on architecture and what If I dont want to be one in the future? Would universities care about your topics in your EPQ or just the grade? Thank You.

Contrary to what others have said, I have seen on some uni websites that you need to 1. Mention your EPQ in your personal statement and 2. it to relevant to your degree. For it be used for a reduced offer.
Reply 5
Original post by carnaldrax
I have now finished the first term of sixth form and still and worried about my EPQ title and ideas. My title currently is "How Does Architectural Design Influence Learning and Mental Well-Being in Educational Spaces?" I want to research this because I think it will be helpful for an architect career path and also I am genuinely interested in this topic. However, I feel like this is too focused on architecture and what If I dont want to be one in the future? Would universities care about your topics in your EPQ or just the grade? Thank You.

Following on from current comments - if you are applying to architecture/similar, you should mention this EPQ title in your personal statement/at interview as it is very relevant.

I study architecture and also did an architecture-related EPQ. This led to my grade requirement being decreased, which relieved some of the pressure leading up to A-levels.

Overall, an EPQ is very useful to do before starting university, as you will already be ahead in terms of referencing, finding sources, and writing essays before beginning. This is not commonly taught in sixth form (as far as I know) but the EPQ gives you these skills early and allows you to discover which gaps you have in your writing/research ability.

I did an EPQ thread a few years ago here which may be useful to you, especially as I am in the same field as you.

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