The Student Room Group


I applied for MPharm at Brighton in September and after a while I was asked to do the calculations test. During the test I had an insane amount of connection difficulties and wasn't able to fully complete the test, nor do I know if my WiFi submitted it even. I contacted the uni on my applicant portal more than a month ago - no response. I contacted the uni by email - no response. I called them - I was directed to someone else, then someone else, then someone else (who didn't pick up after multiple tries). I was told on the phone by the first two people that they were very sorry for not getting back and that it was a problem on their behalf, and that yes I was disadvantaged by my test problems. I've achieved an A*(9) in numeracy and mathematics GCSE and an A at AS level so the maths test wouldn't have been a problem. I've heard nothing back from the uni at all - what should I do?
Reply 1
Original post by lucyhurl__
I applied for MPharm at Brighton in September and after a while I was asked to do the calculations test. During the test I had an insane amount of connection difficulties and wasn't able to fully complete the test, nor do I know if my WiFi submitted it even. I contacted the uni on my applicant portal more than a month ago - no response. I contacted the uni by email - no response. I called them - I was directed to someone else, then someone else, then someone else (who didn't pick up after multiple tries). I was told on the phone by the first two people that they were very sorry for not getting back and that it was a problem on their behalf, and that yes I was disadvantaged by my test problems. I've achieved an A*(9) in numeracy and mathematics GCSE and an A at AS level so the maths test wouldn't have been a problem. I've heard nothing back from the uni at all - what should I do?

Ask your Head of Sixth to get involved.
A recording should have been kept of your interview so it shouldnt be being this hard to sort it out.
Reply 2
The mathematics test was not part of an interview but thank you, I'll get in contact with my head of sixth form
Original post by lucyhurl__
I applied for MPharm at Brighton in September and after a while I was asked to do the calculations test. During the test I had an insane amount of connection difficulties and wasn't able to fully complete the test, nor do I know if my WiFi submitted it even. I contacted the uni on my applicant portal more than a month ago - no response. I contacted the uni by email - no response. I called them - I was directed to someone else, then someone else, then someone else (who didn't pick up after multiple tries). I was told on the phone by the first two people that they were very sorry for not getting back and that it was a problem on their behalf, and that yes I was disadvantaged by my test problems. I've achieved an A*(9) in numeracy and mathematics GCSE and an A at AS level so the maths test wouldn't have been a problem. I've heard nothing back from the uni at all - what should I do?

Hi! I also completed the numeracy test for brighton and I'm pretty sure you can open the forms link and complete the test again. If you do this you could follow it up with a message to the person who sent you the link on student view messages and explain to them your situation.
Original post by lucyhurl__
I applied for MPharm at Brighton in September and after a while I was asked to do the calculations test. During the test I had an insane amount of connection difficulties and wasn't able to fully complete the test, nor do I know if my WiFi submitted it even. I contacted the uni on my applicant portal more than a month ago - no response. I contacted the uni by email - no response. I called them - I was directed to someone else, then someone else, then someone else (who didn't pick up after multiple tries). I was told on the phone by the first two people that they were very sorry for not getting back and that it was a problem on their behalf, and that yes I was disadvantaged by my test problems. I've achieved an A*(9) in numeracy and mathematics GCSE and an A at AS level so the maths test wouldn't have been a problem. I've heard nothing back from the uni at all - what should I do?

Hi Lucy,
My name is Danielle and I work in the Enquiries Team at the University of Brighton. Please could you send me a private message with your UCAS ID and full name (please do not respond publicly with this information) and I will then contact your admissions officer directly and request they review your message, test results and respond to you directly via your Studentview account.
I'm sorry in any delay you've experienced in them responding to you and getting through to them via the telephone. You are always welcome to call the enquiries team on 01273 644644 and we will be happy to contact your admissions officer directly then too.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Danielle - Brighton Uni Rep

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