The Student Room Group

Drama A Level monologues

Hi. This afternoon I did a piece of my coursework, the monologues bit, which ended up being too long on performance. I managed to shave down the video from under 10 mins to around 8 1/2 mins instead, but in reality the monologue is supposed to be around 6-8 mins. Would the examiner just not mark the last 30 secs? Those last seconds are a bit I really thought I did well in and wouldn't want to miss them out, but re-performing the monologue after the Christmas holidays gives me a headache to think about as they were very stressful to prepare for. Does anyone know if I can still submit this video?
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Original post by elsamcd
Hi. This afternoon I did a piece of my coursework, the monologues bit, which ended up being too long on performance. I managed to shave down the video from under 10 mins to around 8 1/2 mins instead, but in reality the monologue is supposed to be around 6-8 mins. Would the examiner just not mark the last 30 secs? Those last seconds are a bit I really thought I did well in and wouldn't want to miss them out, but re-performing the monologue after the Christmas holidays gives me a headache to think about as they were very stressful to prepare for. Does anyone know if I can still submit this video?

as far as i know, if it goes over the time limit it’s just straight up not marked no matter how good it is ☹️ i’d reprepare it if i were you and work with your drama teacher in terms of getting in that time slot

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