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Adults with ADHD - therapist appointment

Scheduled an appointment with a therapist I haven't seen in years. The appointment is on Monday but I already feel anxious about it.

I was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia by the end of high school. Never really paid attention to it until recently. It is always small things but the amount of these small things is ridiculously huge right now.
The more I read about things the more I notice and see the pattern of things and it bothers me now quiet a lot. I even asked my co-workers and housemates about it and they all said they do notice these small things in me, but it is just the way I am so it is fine.
There are some things that gets harder with time. Reading for example. I became much slower reader recently and sometimes I even prefer audiobooks. It is surely not my eyesight, it is my dyslexia and ADHD. I want to study more and will need assistance with that so I even consider medication.
I daydream much more frequently recently and I forget much more things.

I am anxious because I can't come with the right approach... I can't say that I never actually had a depression, it was a part of my ADHD (that's the reason why it was managed so easily).

I don't struggle with it. I'm coping very well without medications and the ADHD is barely noticeable at all. Just when I describe what's going on inside my head people with ADHD agree with me that it's ADHD.
On the one hand I do want something to make it easier, on the other hand it is not that bad for me as is... I can't say that either because it will look like I came to waste time...
I just can't find the right approach.
You may ask about whether to use anti-anxious or anti-depression medicine to treat.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
You may ask about whether to use anti-anxious or anti-depression medicine to treat.
Thanks. I've used anti-depresants and they helped a lot with depression and anxiety. I finished the course of treatment and don't need them anymore. Now it is more about focusing and functioning. Anxiety and depression I can deal with without medication using some coping techniques. The anxiety is not as bad as it was when I was younger, same with the depression. However, the ability to focus and function is a lot worse, even only a few years ago it was much better.
Reply 3
I actually went pretty well.
At first I was disappointed because despite talking about coping techniques and being explained that I used some of them pretty well (I can explain about them if anyone wants) and despite saying that I prefer not being medicated I was referred to a psychiatrist for a medication prescription. It looks like they gonna give me something strong. The therapist explained that the medication is to balance my attention and focusing ability. He also explained that the coping methods are tiring and sometimes more help is needed because the whole thing about ADHD is hormonal imbalance. Previous time it was depression that was a result of hormonal imbalance and was coped well and fast because it was a side effect of ADHD and not a "real" depression. It is complicated to explain but the root is the ADHD. Now it is the deficit of attention and focus, which is more common with teenagers but as a teenager I managed to overcome it with some techniques I adapted and was taught to use never realizing I had ADHD and a pretty sever case.

After the visit I had a little meltdown and had to meet my new bestie/partner. But now I feel great again.

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