The Student Room Group

Need advice!!!!!

So, my girlfriend and I had sex when she was on her period. It was unprotected and I didn't ejaculate or anything. But right now, she hasn't had her period in like 30 days and we're kinda worried.

She hasn't experienced any pregnancy symptoms and has been stressed for the last month (which affects the menstrual cycle according to google).

Should we just wait or what?
It could be stress pushing it back?

Anyhow, I hope everything will be okay, stay safe! :jumphug:
30 days isn't wildly late.
It's VERY highly unlikely she's pregnant.
Take a test.
Take a test in case, but she probably isn't pregnant.
Even if it comes to pregnancy, you two have still the option for an abortion. It is up to you two und our common agreement to do it or not.

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