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i applied to portsmouth for pharmacy with predicted B in bio C in chem and distinction in btec business however they didn’t accept me for pharmacy and gave me an offer for pharmacology which i didn’t apply to ? does anyone know what i should do in this situation i am confused
Reply 1
I had the same from Reading, I asked what was the reason for you declining me for this course and considering me for this one instead, if i felt the reason was justified I replied saying thank you for the consideration but I will have to decline this offer as pharmacy is the only course i will be considering (however you may consider pharmacology) and luckily i’ve had an offer from another university and am waiting to hear from another one following my interview, so hopefully you still get offers but i would definitely reach out and ask why and if it isn’t really a justified reason you could possibly ask them to reconsider or call them and ask to speak to admissions regarding your application and follow it up over the phone, however I would say it is rather unlikely they would reconsider as there was obviously a reason they offered you this course (either they think you are better suited, basically does not want to waste a space on you because they think there is better suited candidates, so many different reasons)
Original post by m.ayr3s
I had the same from Reading, I asked what was the reason for you declining me for this course and considering me for this one instead, if i felt the reason was justified I replied saying thank you for the consideration but I will have to decline this offer as pharmacy is the only course i will be considering (however you may consider pharmacology) and luckily i’ve had an offer from another university and am waiting to hear from another one following my interview, so hopefully you still get offers but i would definitely reach out and ask why and if it isn’t really a justified reason you could possibly ask them to reconsider or call them and ask to speak to admissions regarding your application and follow it up over the phone, however I would say it is rather unlikely they would reconsider as there was obviously a reason they offered you this course (either they think you are better suited, basically does not want to waste a space on you because they think there is better suited candidates, so many different reasons)

hi thanks so much for your reply do you mind me asking where else you applied to ?
Original post by m.ayr3s
I had the same from Reading, I asked what was the reason for you declining me for this course and considering me for this one instead, if i felt the reason was justified I replied saying thank you for the consideration but I will have to decline this offer as pharmacy is the only course i will be considering (however you may consider pharmacology) and luckily i’ve had an offer from another university and am waiting to hear from another one following my interview, so hopefully you still get offers but i would definitely reach out and ask why and if it isn’t really a justified reason you could possibly ask them to reconsider or call them and ask to speak to admissions regarding your application and follow it up over the phone, however I would say it is rather unlikely they would reconsider as there was obviously a reason they offered you this course (either they think you are better suited, basically does not want to waste a space on you because they think there is better suited candidates, so many different reasons)

what other unis did u apply to which maybe be easier to get into with those grades ?
Reply 4
Original post by unistudentz
hi thanks so much for your reply do you mind me asking where else you applied to ?

I also applied to Hertfordshire (I have an offer for them already), Greenwich (Medway) and i’ve had an interview with them and waiting for a response, Nottingham and Swansea, but i haven’t heard anything from either of them ones yet
Reply 5
Original post by m.ayr3s
I also applied to Hertfordshire (I have an offer for them already), Greenwich (Medway) and i’ve had an interview with them and waiting for a response, Nottingham and Swansea, but i haven’t heard anything from either of them ones yet

and to add i’m doing BTEC Applied Science predicted DDD (same as AAA at alevel)
Original post by Anonymous
i applied to portsmouth for pharmacy with predicted B in bio C in chem and distinction in btec business however they didn’t accept me for pharmacy and gave me an offer for pharmacology which i didn’t apply to ? does anyone know what i should do in this situation i am confused

This is very common - Unis will often offer another related course in the hope that you might be interested, and its kinder than just saying No. You just need to consider this option alongside any other offers you get.

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