Heyyy - I applied for Westminster 16+ 2025 and got offered a boarding place. I took math, fm, Econ, and philosophy, so I’m not sure if I can help with history and English.
For math, the entrance exam was 45 minutes for 25 multiple choice questions (I think you can find sample papers on their website) and they were fairly easy. I’ve seen people say that the multiple choice was similar to UKMT/ IMC difficulty, but personally I think it’s easier. Two things to look out for is that they have an option E ‘none of the above’ and some questions have an option ‘not enough information provided’ which is slightly different from other typical multiple choice papers.
My interview for math and further math was combined into one and was mostly going over questions, but I’m not sure if the interviews for only math is the same. I did about 3 questions in the interview, they were quite straightforward and not necessarily harder than the questions on the math entrance exam.
For Econ, the entrance exam was also 45 min and did not require any Econ specific knowledge and was more on essay writing and critical thinking. They have no sample papers on their website, but for reference for my exam they provided definitions and an extract to base a long answer off of.
For the interviews, I think they mainly look out for critical thinking skills and while you don’t have to be fluent in economics it would be beneficial to be able to identify and explain recent socioeconomic trends. For example I was asked about the assisted dying bill that got passed through parliament the day before the interview. Overall I think it is more useful to keep up with the news than to study subject specific knowledge.
Hope this helps & feel free to ask anything else!