The Student Room Group

Sussex or Liverpool Uni??

Hi so I've applied for 2025 entry in Media and Comms for both Liverpool and Sussex and I'm so unsure what to put as my firm, I've received conditional offers of the same grade for both and wanna just know what life is like at both really?

I'm leaning towards Sussex because of the area and campus but my only issue is everyone seemed to be gay and whilst I'm into like rock and metal music and dress a little alt I'm just worried because I'm straight and sometimes struggle to relate to some of my gay friends' jokes so I was just wondering honestly is there like straight alternative people who go there or is it mostly gays?

As for Liverpool, I don't have a clue about it, I didn't attend the open day but had a look around campus and thought it looked very nice but I'm not sure what's there to offer for people like me so what is there?

Sorry for asking weird questions but I'm just really anxious about not making friends and would benefit if someone can reassure me, thank you :smile:
I attend Sussex (doing a subject in life sciences). Most people are not gay, although there are more LGBT folks there than other areas of the country. I think whatever your interests are, you will be able to find your people. I haven't been to Liverpool so can't comment on it.
Reply 2
Original post by flowersinmyhair
I attend Sussex (doing a subject in life sciences). Most people are not gay, although there are more LGBT folks there than other areas of the country. I think whatever your interests are, you will be able to find your people. I haven't been to Liverpool so can't comment on it.

oh thank you so much I think it was just a weird worry of mine bc I love everything about sussex I've seen so far so I was probably just looking for something to fault🫶

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