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Oxford DPhil Postgraduate Applicants for 2025/2026 entry

Lots of undergraduate threads/discussions but not postgraduate DPhil ones, so starting one here! Lots of discussion is welcome!

:biggrin: Welcome to everyone, and best of luck with your applications! :h:

Prospective course:
Achieved (or expected) grade:
Current (or last) university:
Current (or last) course:
When application submitted:
College preferences:
Other universities you’re applying to:

Disclaimer: Please note, unless stated otherwise, posters on this thread do not work for University of Oxford's admissions department, therefore do not take our opinion as being 100% accurate. If you need certainty, contact University of Oxford directly.

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Prospective course: DPhil Astrophysics and DPhil Theoretical Physics

Achieved (or expected) grade: first class with honours - 84%

Nationality: British dual nationality

Current (or last) university: University of Warwick

Current (or last) course: Master of Physics

When application submitted: Submitted 20th November for January deadline

College preferences: St jones

Other universities you’re applying to: Princeton, university of Chicago, Boston university, UCL, Ku Leuven….
Original post by Anonymous
Prospective course: DPhil Astrophysics and DPhil Theoretical Physics
Achieved (or expected) grade: first class with honours - 84%
Nationality: British dual nationality
Current (or last) university: University of Warwick
Current (or last) course: Master of Physics
When application submitted: Submitted 20th November for January deadline
College preferences: St jones
Other universities you’re applying to: Princeton, university of Chicago, Boston university, UCL, Ku Leuven….

Did you hear back. I have applied for Dphil Particle Physics
Original post by Anonymous
Did you hear back. I have applied for Dphil Particle Physics

Not yet, invites should be going out soon. Most interviews are around February
I see for Particle Physics, they are doing research group interviews in Jan.
Reply 5
Is anyone applying for the DPhil in Ancient History or for another course within the Classics Faculty?
any DPIR applicants?
Original post by Clara.T.K
Lots of undergraduate threads/discussions but not postgraduate DPhil ones, so starting one here! Lots of discussion is welcome!

:biggrin: Welcome to everyone, and best of luck with your applications! :h:
Prospective course:
Achieved (or expected) grade:
Current (or last) university:
Current (or last) course:
When application submitted:
College preferences:
Other universities you’re applying to:
Disclaimer: Please note, unless stated otherwise, posters on this thread do not work for University of Oxford's admissions department, therefore do not take our opinion as being 100% accurate. If you need certainty, contact University of Oxford directly.

Prospective course: Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Achieved (or expected) grade: 1st BSc, pending grade for MSc
Nationality: EU (but Home fee status)
Current (or last) course: MSc Planetary Science
When application submitted: 6th Jan
College preferences: Christ Church
Other universities you’re applying to: Newcastle (applied) and others TBD
(edited 1 week ago)
Reply 8
any DPhil Public Policy applicant here?
Original post by gli_astri
Prospective course: Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Achieved (or expected) grade: 1st BSc, pending grade for MSc
Nationality: EU (but Home fee status)
Current (or last) course: MSc Planetary Science
When application submitted: 6th Jan
College preferences: Christ Church
Other universities you’re applying to: Newcastle (applied), St Andrew’s (pending), others TBD

have you heard back?
Original post by Sabrinawww
have you heard back?

Hi, I have not! I’m assuming due to interview constraints that they have either already sent emails out about interviews or that they will very soon.
Hello, I received an interview invitation for Oxford DPhil Theoretical Physics (plasma astrophysics) on 29th Jan. I went to the interview today - 5th Feb. My time slot was 11:30-12:30. I was asked to talk about my research first. It was supposed to be 10 min presentation then questions but they ended up asking questions during the presentation. That ended up being 30-35 min. It was a nice discussion with some difficult questions. Then I was asked a physics question which I messed up at the start but eventually got to the answer with some help and corrections along the way. Finally, a brief discussion about some of the projects I want to be considered for. Then I asked a few questions and that was it. Overall a fun experience 8/10 and time went back quickly. I think I did ok overall 7/10 I think the physics question messed me up but hopefully, my track record and research presentation carry me to an offer. Overall, enjoy the process and learn from these people :smile:
Ggood luck, sounds solid
Original post by gli_astri
Hi, I have not! I’m assuming due to interview constraints that they have either already sent emails out about interviews or that they will very soon.

Ok! Let me know when you hear pls!
Original post by Sabrinawww
Ok! Let me know when you hear pls!

Hi, just to let you know, I got the interview invitation today.
any DPhil Public Policy applicant here?

Yep! No news yet
Any DPhil DPIR applicants?
Original post by Anonymous
any DPIR applicants?
Original post by Anonymous

Have you heard back yet? And if you don’t mind me asking, have you applied to Politics or IR?
Original post by Anonymous
Have you heard back yet? And if you don’t mind me asking, have you applied to Politics or IR?

Politics .
Probably we will have some news only in mid-March

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