Hi, I'm going to RGU in 2025 and I'm interested in joining the fencing club run by the University of Aberdeen. It has previously said on their website that they allow RGU students- but I cannot find this information again. Does anyone know if its possible?
Hi, I'm going to RGU in 2025 and I'm interested in joining the fencing club run by the University of Aberdeen. It has previously said on their website that they allow RGU students- but I cannot find this information again. Does anyone know if its possible?
Hi there Robert Gordon University students are allowed or can join clubs at the University of Aberdeen provided you meet any specific membership requirements set at those clubs. Robert Gordon University also have clubs and societies students can join and can be registered through Robert Gordon University student union of which is included in their membership
Hi, I'm going to RGU in 2025 and I'm interested in joining the fencing club run by the University of Aberdeen. It has previously said on their website that they allow RGU students- but I cannot find this information again. Does anyone know if its possible?
Hi, this is the University of Aberdeen rep account. As far as I know yes this is perfectly fine for RGU students to do this! You can get in contact with AUSA, our student union, by emailing [email protected] for some more details on how this might work. I imagine there may be some restrictions on sports societies (the Aberdeen and RGU rowing teams compete for instance) and please note at this stage you might not hear back until January as the university closes for two weeks after today. You can have a look at AUSA's societies here: https://www.ausa.org.uk/getinvolved/activities/ And as the above poster says there will also be societies you can join at RGU. I hope this helps!