The Student Room Group

Summer at JPM London from Bournemouth Spring

I’ve just received an offer for the JPMorgan spring insight week 2025 at the Bournemouth office and I intend to apply and try and convert this to a summer internship. However, I would be looking to convert it to a summer at the London office as opposed to at the Bournemouth office. I originally applied for Bournemouth as I have family who live there. I was just wondering, as it pertains to converting to a summer, whether I will be significantly disadvantaged for application to the London summer as I will be competing with those who have London springs, as someone with a Bournemouth spring or should I just apply for the Bournemouth summer? Can I apply to both? I know the spring only gets me accelerated to the AC but will I still be disadvantaged over those with a London spring?
(edited 2 months ago)

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