Hi guys this is quite lengthy but i would genuinely appreciate it if u read through my post and maybe give me some advice.
so the first time i did my a levels i got CDE (bio,chem & psych) and i retook them this year in summer and i got A*AA and while re-doing my a levels i was in first year uni bcs my parents didn't let me take a gap year (i have dropped out now, i went to keele uni to do neuroscience and i hated the uni so much and now i'm in uni of sheffield doing biomedicine) and so i really wanna apply to medicine in 2025 with those a level grades and obviously i'm at a disadvantage considering i completely flopped my first set of a levels. but there's also another problem. my gcses are very weak.
gcse grades:
maths - 5
english lang - 6
english lit - 5
combined science - 6,5
german - 6
r.e - 5
socology - 6
history - 6
geography - 8
so i've been thinking about retaking some of those in 2025 especially since my maths, english lang and sciences are so low. i think that i am capable of increasing my grades since i did that in a levels but would all these retakes would look terrible on my application and also that would mean dropping out of uni of sheffield and so i'd have to show that i dropped out of uni TWICE.
and i could just complete my biomed course at sheffield and then do graduate entry med and my concern with gem is not only the competitiveness but also funding. i genuinely do not know how i will do it - especially if i end up doing the 5 year undergrad course instead of 4 year GEM.
i'm very desperate for advice and i would genuinely appriciate any help at this moment.