The Student Room Group

How much money/year do you need to survive uni

Hi, I am planning to self found my university studies, I don't have rich parents and I'm not rich myself. I'm currently working in my gap year to save as much money as I can for at least 3 years of uni. I'm also planning on applying to scholarships and bursaries (some scholarships could cover my tuition fees, but right now I want to go into it assuming I wont be awarded any, if I do, that would b great)

How much money would I need each year to be able to cover tuition + expenses.
I am planning on living off my savings from the gap year, and from money I will make working part time while at uni.

Hello 🙂 ,

It sounds like you're planning things really well. Unfortunately there's no one set of prices anyone can give you as prices vary so much eg. living costs in different cities vary a lot! As a starting point though, look at three factors: fees, accommodation and living.

Fees: All courses from all universities should have their fees listed on their website. Find your course and you'll find the exact fees.

Accommodation: Unis often have different price ranges. For example, here at York you can search for different bands of accommodation which are priced differently based on factors such as if they have en suite or shared bathrooms.

Living: This is the hardest to quantify as it varies so much person by person. There's tips on how to plan your budget for food and social on the York website too.

Good luck finding your dream course, it's a wonderful experience 🙂
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by anonycatt
Hi, I am planning to self found my university studies, I don't have rich parents and I'm not rich myself. I'm currently working in my gap year to save as much money as I can for at least 3 years of uni. I'm also planning on applying to scholarships and bursaries (some scholarships could cover my tuition fees, but right now I want to go into it assuming I wont be awarded any, if I do, that would b great)

How much money would I need each year to be able to cover tuition + expenses.
I am planning on living off my savings from the gap year, and from money I will make working part time while at uni.


Tuition fees in England - 3 years x £9,535 = £28,605
Accommodation - assume average £6-8,000 per year x 3 = £18,000 - £24,000
Living costs - this is highly variable and will depend on how much you socialise, travel home, etc. Assume around £50 a week minimum to cover food and basic expenses.
(edited 1 month ago)

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