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spanish or geography

Hello, I’m currently interested in studying art at uni, so consequently I want to take alevel art, as well as english literature. However, I’m struggling to decide whether I should pick spanish or geography. I’m quite good at both and find both of them interesting, I’m just unsure which one would best suit my other options. All help would be appreciated!
Which are you likely to get a better grade in?
id advise choosing the subject of the two mentioned that you’d enjoy more and think you could excel in.
How are you finding these subjects at gcse in terms of interest and enjoyment? How do you find studying for tests in these subjects? Do you have predicted grades for either? Have you looked through the specs to see what’s covered at a level?
Original post by DerDracologe
id advise choosing the subject of the two mentioned that you’d enjoy more and think you could excel in.
How are you finding these subjects at gcse in terms of interest and enjoyment? How do you find studying for tests in these subjects? Do you have predicted grades for either? Have you looked through the specs to see what’s covered at a level?

I think currently I prefer learning spanish even though it’s the more challenging of the two to revise. For geography, my teacher said that I should be aiming for a 9 but for now, I’m predicted an 8. For spanish I’m predicted a 7 but my teacher said that I’m capable of an 8. Both teachers said I should consider them at a-level. I’ve looked at both specs and I really like how in spanish it goes more in depth about the culture, the literature and the media, and I don’t think that I would find geography as interesting as I would spanish. But I do find that I’m better at geography than spanish and I know it’s recommended you get an 8/9 in it as it’s more challenging. Could I be overthinking it?
Original post by crystalblink
I think currently I prefer learning spanish even though it’s the more challenging of the two to revise. For geography, my teacher said that I should be aiming for a 9 but for now, I’m predicted an 8. For spanish I’m predicted a 7 but my teacher said that I’m capable of an 8. Both teachers said I should consider them at a-level. I’ve looked at both specs and I really like how in spanish it goes more in depth about the culture, the literature and the media, and I don’t think that I would find geography as interesting as I would spanish. But I do find that I’m better at geography than spanish and I know it’s recommended you get an 8/9 in it as it’s more challenging. Could I be overthinking it?

You seem far more interested in Spanish so if I was in this position I would take Spanish. Mark for mark I scored higher in English literature gcse than I did physics but English literature didnt interest me as much content wise (I looked at the set texts and they weren’t my thing whereas at gcse I’d enjoyed some but not others) so even though I did better in English I chose physics because of my interest in the subject. Also your grades in your gcse might come as a bit of a surprise in some cases- you can get lucky with papers or grade boundaries and do better than expected or have an exam at the end of a long day and not do your best in it (where lots of exams are packed together over a couple of days it becomes tricky to prepare for all of them). For example, I worked at an 8 in physics throughout my gcse years but got a 9 in the real exam however I always got 9s in history but messed up a paper and ended up with an unlucky 8 so things like that can change.
Original post by DerDracologe
You seem far more interested in Spanish so if I was in this position I would take Spanish. Mark for mark I scored higher in English literature gcse than I did physics but English literature didnt interest me as much content wise (I looked at the set texts and they weren’t my thing whereas at gcse I’d enjoyed some but not others) so even though I did better in English I chose physics because of my interest in the subject. Also your grades in your gcse might come as a bit of a surprise in some cases- you can get lucky with papers or grade boundaries and do better than expected or have an exam at the end of a long day and not do your best in it (where lots of exams are packed together over a couple of days it becomes tricky to prepare for all of them). For example, I worked at an 8 in physics throughout my gcse years but got a 9 in the real exam however I always got 9s in history but messed up a paper and ended up with an unlucky 8 so things like that can change.

Ah, I never really thought of it like that as I tend to get caught up in my thinking. Thanks for the help!
Original post by DerDracologe
You seem far more interested in Spanish so if I was in this position I would take Spanish. Mark for mark I scored higher in English literature gcse than I did physics but English literature didnt interest me as much content wise (I looked at the set texts and they weren’t my thing whereas at gcse I’d enjoyed some but not others) so even though I did better in English I chose physics because of my interest in the subject. Also your grades in your gcse might come as a bit of a surprise in some cases- you can get lucky with papers or grade boundaries and do better than expected or have an exam at the end of a long day and not do your best in it (where lots of exams are packed together over a couple of days it becomes tricky to prepare for all of them). For example, I worked at an 8 in physics throughout my gcse years but got a 9 in the real exam however I always got 9s in history but messed up a paper and ended up with an unlucky 8 so things like that can change.
I was the opposite for History getting 5s or 6s in Mocks before getting an 8 in the real exams. (And I thought I did so badly I was going to fail and chose something else for A-Level).

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