The Student Room Group

Further maths?

Does further maths make A level maths lots easier? Not sure if I want to do further for GCSE but definitely maths for A level. Should I take it?
Original post by S.Manson
Does further maths make A level maths lots easier? Not sure if I want to do further for GCSE but definitely maths for A level. Should I take it?

Gcse maths isnt very deep so A level maths could come as quite a step up so Further is definitely helpful but definitely not necessary either, as you will learn everything you need anyways
Original post by S.Manson
Does further maths make A level maths lots easier? Not sure if I want to do further for GCSE but definitely maths for A level. Should I take it?

Depending on exam board, I think A level can be quite different. I would only take further maths GCSE if it interests you and you enjoy the subject- most schools will let you pick up further A level with a 9 in normal maths GCSE if you decide you want to take that path, BUT often taking an extra subject which is just more stuff to revise and learn can hinder your other grades. It depends on how your school offers further maths too. For me, all the top maths sets learn both GCSEs during normal lesson time, so it isn't a commitment, but if it's extra on top it'll be more draining. A level will always be a jump, so I wouldn't worry about it unless you would enjoy it or are confident enough in your other subjects to take an extra.
I didn't do GCSE further maths because my secondary school couldn't get the numbers for it, but hearing from people at my current sixth form who did, they did find it helpful, but you'll be just fine without it

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