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Cambridge/ICL Medicine Help

I’m in Year 12, and I want to go to either Uni, but I don’t know what I should be doing. What kind of/how much work experience should I be doing? What supercirrculars should I do? What programs/courses are good for me? (I am eligible for widening participation stuff). What extracurricular ect

I do Biology, chemistry, math and further maths A levels.
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Original post by kyouka
I’m in Year 12, and I want to go to either Uni, but I don’t know what I should be doing. What kind of/how much work experience should I be doing? What supercirrculars should I do? What programs/courses are good for me? (I am eligible for widening participation stuff). What extracurricular ect
I do Biology, chemistry, math and further maths A levels.

Many hospitals have a volentear scheme (often going onto wards to talk with patients if they don't have family) and some hospitals will allow work experience if not nursing homes are great places to do work experience. You could also try to ask schools in your area and see if you can do work experience in the nurses office. Though I recommend asking your local hospital / GP first you can probably find out if you go onto the there websites or the NHS website. Spingpod also offers virtual work experience that may be worth checking out also try looking out for MOOCs. Good Luck
Original post by kyouka
I’m in Year 12, and I want to go to either Uni, but I don’t know what I should be doing. What kind of/how much work experience should I be doing? What supercirrculars should I do? What programs/courses are good for me? (I am eligible for widening participation stuff). What extracurricular ect
I do Biology, chemistry, math and further maths A levels.

Hey current Imperial student here,

Imperial doesn't look at personal statements too heavily however you should get some kind of work experience done. Not necessarily for the clinical experience rather so that you have a realistic view of what being a doctor entails. It was a lot more difficult when I applied due to covid restrictions however that seems to have eased up so you should communicate with your local hospitals about this. Also try talking to some care homes near you as volunteering is also good. The exact details of your work experience is irrelevant if you can reflect on it well.

Don't know much about cambridge but deffo get involved with essay competitions if you can (Medic Mentor runs them every quarter I think). Also there is the imperial school teams medicine poster prize thingy (link: They run one every year so get your teachers involved with that and start a team. It usually always goes to crap but it could be good fun. If you can do chemistry olympiad and biology olympiad and get good scores then that should be great as well.

If your school has a medical society, get involved and if it doesn't, start one.

Try applying for a zero gravity mentor to help you with interviews and application stuff come next year as well. This is something only available to widening participation people afaik.

Regardless good luck, we need as many talented people in medicine as possible.

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