The Student Room Group

Winter Wellbeing - How do you manage?

Whilst we know Christmas and the festive period can be really exciting, we know winter can be a difficult time for many as the seasonal changes can have a big impact on our mood. Shorter days, cold weather and increased financial pressure around the Christmas period can affect our mental wellbeing. Here at Papyrus, our HOPELINE247 staff understand that this can also lead to an increase in emotions like loneliness, anxiety, low mood and depression.

We would love to hear what you do to manage during the winter months. Whether it be self care tips for when you are at home or things you like to get out and do.

Share your strategies so other people can use them to 🎇🌙⛄💜

Is there anything in particular you like to do at this time of year?
What tips or advice could you give others to manager mental health over the winter?
If worst comes to worst, I head up the heating, take a book and begin to read. Better for the atmosphere when it can be used a chimney instead of a heating.
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by Kallisto
If worst comes to worst, I head up the heating, take a book and begin to read. Better for the atmosphere when it can be used a chimney instead of a heating.

Thank you for sharing your advice with us. Reading by the fireplace is indeed a wonderful way to distract oneself from challenging thoughts during difficult times. The warmth and crackling sound of a fire can help lower blood pressure and promote relaxation. Also, focusing on the present moment while reading can be act as a form of mindfulness, helping to reduce stress.
Reply 3
1 low mood music

2 SAD light

3 - receive the Spirit of God ("born again")then you have The Light of Life.
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by Papyrus Hopeline
Thank you for sharing your advice with us. Reading by the fireplace is indeed a wonderful way to distract oneself from challenging thoughts during difficult times. The warmth and crackling sound of a fire can help lower blood pressure and promote relaxation. Also, focusing on the present moment while reading can be act as a form of mindfulness, helping to reduce stress.

wish i had a real fireplace
Original post by Papyrus Hopeline
Thank you for sharing your advice with us. Reading by the fireplace is indeed a wonderful way to distract oneself from challenging thoughts during difficult times. The warmth and crackling sound of a fire can help lower blood pressure and promote relaxation. Also, focusing on the present moment while reading can be act as a form of mindfulness, helping to reduce stress.

Another good idea that came to my mind: listening to classic music to get christmassy vibes and silence. A fireplace is a bonus!
Buying a thicker duvet cover helped alot.
Original post by Other_Owl
Buying a thicker duvet cover helped alot.

Thank you for sharing your tip with us . A thicker Duvet cover can make such a difference in keeping warm and cozy during cold months. Small changes like that can really help with comfort, Improve on quality of sleep and boost mood and feelings .
That sounds like such a good way to get into the Christmas spirit ; Classical music can help set the mood, and enjoying those quiet moments can help bring calmness and stir up positive memories..
Original post by Papyrus Hopeline
That sounds like such a good way to get into the Christmas spirit ; Classical music can help set the mood, and enjoying those quiet moments can help bring calmness and stir up positive memories..

For people who are able to afford, a visit in a classic concert at christmas is certainly even a better idea to get the christmas spirit.
Original post by Kallisto
For people who are able to afford, a visit in a classic concert at christmas is certainly even a better idea to get the christmas spirit.

Music can definitely have a positive impact on our wellbeing. Whether we re fortunate enough to be able to access live music or if we re listening to our favourite playlist, it can all help to lighten our mood
Original post by Papyrus Hopeline
Music can definitely have a positive impact on our wellbeing. Whether we re fortunate enough to be able to access live music or if we re listening to our favourite playlist, it can all help to lighten our mood

That is true. My last thought to overcome depression at winter: visiting a sauna for hours and reading magazines or books in the meantime and don't forget to cool with a cold shower.
I tend to watch tv programmes I enjoy, such as country file, antiques roadshow, travel etc.
Original post by Analyst89
I tend to watch tv programmes I enjoy, such as country file, antiques roadshow, travel etc.

Thank you for that suggestion, they sound like really great programmes to watch

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