So my relative dropped me off to my friends house to collect something, and I went out of the car to look for the house. I decided to call her instead, and let her direct me from there. I arrived safely, and didn’t think twice to msg my relative about it, as I assumed it was a quick interaction and it’ll be okay.During this time, I thought my relative would be in the car just waiting for me. Anyway, when I left my friends’ house, I looked at my phone and saw about 5 missed calls, and assumed that she was ready to drive off, but I came back to the car and all, and she was nowhere to be seen. She wasn’t in the car so I called her, and that’s when she told me she thought I was kidnapped. I almost wanted to freaking laugh, about how ridiculous she sounded. All that stress and catastrophizing for what? When I simply told her before leaving the car that, I was going to find her house. It sounded bizarre, bc the streets were damn right empty, it’s freaking cold outside, nobody has the damn time to surrender someone, like let’s be for real. Anyway, the aftermath, is that it’s caused family drama, and honestly, I don’t think I did anything wrong. I did apologise though, but I’m sorry it’s the person’s fault to let thoughts overrule someone’s mind. Like, before my relative offered to drop me off I was intending of walking there alone without informing anyone of my whereabouts.
Am I in the wrong in this situation, like is the blame on me? Advice