I am nearly turning 21 and I was thinking that if i want to get to know someone i have to start now because not every person you’re going to meet is going the be the one so it’s good to start early and explore. However, my parents want me to focus on my studies and then say that when that’s done then i will get married but it’s not about finding the person when you’re stable it’s about actually finding a good person when you’re still young and know that you still have more time to go on to the next. I need advice if I can meet with a non mehram in public by myself and chat to him for at least 6 months before introducing him to my parents and then getting to know him as a family for like around 2 years. This is so that i know that I have showed a good person to them and I am stable knowing that he’s a good person because people show their true colours in 6 months. If i introduce him straight away i know my parents will rush it and let’s say he isn’t a good person then word would go around that people has seen us go out and then ask my parents that where is the potential and stuff. I just want to keep it private until i know him fully. Does anyone think this is haram. and also let’s say we do this would he use that against me if we get married that i met with a non mehram?