The Student Room Group


hi. im 17 and currently struggle a lot with my mental health and have become increasingly depressed. i have a partner, but i realise that my poor moods have negatively impacted on both him and myself a lot. we often argue over anything and everything. he gets upset that my replies take up to half an hour, and i get upset that he sees a problem in that. i can’t deal with constant messaging 24/7 especially at the moment with how little energy i have and how busy i am, and his lack of understanding about that seems to be driving me crazy. i’ve talked to him about this but i still don’t know what to do and how to help myself, and i don’t know who else to talk to
Original post by Anonymous
hi. im 17 and currently struggle a lot with my mental health and have become increasingly depressed. i have a partner, but i realise that my poor moods have negatively impacted on both him and myself a lot. we often argue over anything and everything. he gets upset that my replies take up to half an hour, and i get upset that he sees a problem in that. i can’t deal with constant messaging 24/7 especially at the moment with how little energy i have and how busy i am, and his lack of understanding about that seems to be driving me crazy. i’ve talked to him about this but i still don’t know what to do and how to help myself, and i don’t know who else to talk to

Hi there, you seem to be expiriencing a lot of what I went through about 2 years ago. I would strongly reccomend therapy because trying to tort this stuff out by yourself can take you years, id reccomend seeing a therapist if you’re feeling this depressed. At the end of the day your mental health means more than a reply time and your bf should know that. If you need take some time away from the relationship, im sure he’s mature enough to understand that if you’re feeling this way it’s better for you to take sometime, seek help and come back better than it is to perpetuate the issue by continuing to reply every half an hour. I’m very sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way and whilst it may be hard to talk about I really appreciate that you’ve shared this with us so we can try and help. I would also recommend sharing this with your closest friends and family if you haven’t already because they can try to look out for you more. At the end of the day if your bf has a problem with you taking sometime so you feel better then that’s his problem and shows a lack of maturity. I hope this helps and you start feeling better soon!
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
hi. im 17 and currently struggle a lot with my mental health and have become increasingly depressed. i have a partner, but i realise that my poor moods have negatively impacted on both him and myself a lot. we often argue over anything and everything. he gets upset that my replies take up to half an hour, and i get upset that he sees a problem in that. i can’t deal with constant messaging 24/7 especially at the moment with how little energy i have and how busy i am, and his lack of understanding about that seems to be driving me crazy. i’ve talked to him about this but i still don’t know what to do and how to help myself, and i don’t know who else to talk to

sorry to say this as I don't know the history of your relationship with your bf, but it sounds like you need to cool your relationship with him and focus on yourself and getting help to try to sort out your mental health. from your description, seems like he is adding to your problems instead of being there for you and understanding

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