Hi, so I’ve completed my GCSE’s and am on a gap year bcuz I’m very confused about what subjects to choose for a levels and I don’t know what I want to become in the future.
I did bio chem and physics in my GCSE’s and got an A* in chem, A in bio and B in physics. I don’t like the plants section in biology and there’s just too much to remember in bio and ive been terrorised by Reels of medical students saying not to choose medicine. So I don’t think I wanna choose bio.
I like chemistry tho I enjoy it and am considering choosing it so that I have one science subject with me INCASE I wanna go to a medical field in the future.
Now I Like maths and that’s one subject I’m sure about and got a good grade in in my GCSE’s. It can give me many options in uni.
I wanna choose economics so that I’m able to go towards finance and other business stuff and it’s also an essay based subject which some courses require like in LSE for some courses they prefer maths further maths and an essay based subject.
Now further maths I wanna choose because it’ll help me when applying to Russel group universities and it’ll just make my application stronger. LSE requires further maths for many of their courses that I might want to do in the future. First I thought of doing further maths AS only but then I checked the LSE guide and they only offered a few courses with further maths AS.
Now I know I sound dumb and the combination sounds weird but I really need help here. Also many universities don’t recommend having 4 A levels so I’m confused about that too. Someone help me out please.