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What should my fifth uni choice be?

I've applied for law this year at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Strathclyde and Cambridge. I have an unconditional for Strathclyde and got an interview for Cambridge so far. However, I'm not sure what my fifth choice should be, I haven't added it into my UCAS yet. I live in Glasgow, and would prefer to move away. I was thinking of applying to another English uni, but I'm not sure. I'm interested in Bristol, Exeter, Durham, Warwick and the London ones but I'm also open to suggestions. The main thing I'm looking for is a reputable, enjoyable uni away from home. I achieved straight A's National 5 and Higher, and am taking three advanced highers this year, predicted all A's.
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by Avery7320
I've applied for law this year at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Strathclyde and Cambridge. I have an unconditional for Strathclyde and got an interview for Cambridge so far. However, I'm not sure what my fifth choice should be, I haven't added it into my UCAS yet. I live in Glasgow, and would prefer to move away. I was thinking of applying to another English uni, but I'm not sure. I'm interested in Bristol, Exeter, Durham, Warwick and the London ones but I'm also open to suggestions. The main thing I'm looking for is a reputable, enjoyable uni away from home. I achieved straight A's National 5 and Higher, and am taking three advanced highers this year, predicted all A's.

QMUL is really highly ranked for Law and is honestly a really lovely place to live and go to uni! i loved their open day and all the facilities are new and up to date. It’s also pretty far from Glasgow lol
Reply 2
Oooh, I’m applying for Edinburgh, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Durham and Stirling this year for LLB.

I would say Durham seems very nice, I like the looks of the campus and the course - only downside for the media is that it’s filled with many people that could be considered as “snobby”, Bristol from what I have heard is a very good university for law, and Warwick has a dilemma that it’s a very good university overall.

Whichever one you choose, make sure you enjoy its properties, have researched the life around the area, made sure there’s a lot of opportunities represented near by the area. Overall, go with your heart.

Congrats for your offer from Strathclyde and your Cambridge interview :smile:))
Good Uni, interesting city and not a million miles away.
Original post by Avery7320
I've applied for law this year at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Strathclyde and Cambridge. I have an unconditional for Strathclyde and got an interview for Cambridge so far. However, I'm not sure what my fifth choice should be, I haven't added it into my UCAS yet. I live in Glasgow, and would prefer to move away. I was thinking of applying to another English uni, but I'm not sure. I'm interested in Bristol, Exeter, Durham, Warwick and the London ones but I'm also open to suggestions. The main thing I'm looking for is a reputable, enjoyable uni away from home. I achieved straight A's National 5 and Higher, and am taking three advanced highers this year, predicted all A's.

I’m applying for law (with the same stats as you and from Scotland) and am going for Aberdeen, Glasgow, York, Kcl and UCL (I live in Edinburgh and wanted to move away lol). From what you’ve applied for I’d totally recommend trying London ones as the lifestyle and courses look great, and the employment prospects are some of the best in the UK but it definitely depends on personal preference. (I also have an unconditional from Aberdeen which is my safety so probably my equivalent to Strathclyde for you). from what I can tell you don’t need another “safe choice” as you have a strong application and a safety in the bag so go for those aspirational options! If you do decide do go for one of those two, from my research UCL care more about LNAT essay and KCL care more about the MCQ so I’d choose between the two based on how you feel LNAT went. Hope this helps, and congrats on your offer and interview 🙂 (sorry for info dumping btw, but feel free to message me if you want to know anything specific because I’ve done a lot of research on London uni llb programmes)
(edited 1 month ago)

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