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Will I be rejected for chemical engineering if I don’t have physics A level?

Hi, I’m currently in year 12 and am thinking about what I want to do at university, I am very interested in chemical engineering however I saw from Cambridge admissions statistics that most accepted applicants have physics A level. Its not a required subject for any chemical engineering degrees I’ve come across, and I really like physics and would be happy to catch up on as much as I would need to know from A level physics during the year 13 summer. I do chemistry, maths and biology, my school strongly discourages doing 4 A levels so I was talked out of it and chose those three. I just don’t want to waste my time considering chemical engineering if I would get rejected without physics. Thanks!
My understanding is that if the entry requirements dont state a requirement or preference for physics then there isnt one, they are required to be transparent about entry requirements.
(edited 1 month ago)
Not unless they explicitly state physics is required. As above plenty accept maths and chemistry or maths and either chem or physics.

Bear in mind the course is like 70% maths and 20-25% physics with very little chemistry content though, as it is fundamentally an engineering degree still.

So you do need to enjoy, be interested in, and have the aptitude to learn (even if not necessarily have studied recently) physics. Its not a course in applied chemistry.
Reply 4
No ....... a lot unis want maths and chemistry or maths and chemistry/physics
Some unis want you third subject to be a science/maths subject

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